Friday 3 June 2016

Is it Friday already ?

I can't believe it's Friday already and yet on the other hand this week feels like it was a month long. So much happening at the moment I'm losing track of the days. We had a super flight home on Tuesday to be greeted by four highly excited animals. If I was worried that the week being alone would change Kiko, I could have saved myself the time. She is just an naughty and BUSY as ever. I looked over her last night trying to find an off switch, alas nothing. Little does she know right now but next Thursday she is going to the Vet to be sterilised, that might slow her down just a tad. As an example - when I wash my hair over the bath, her new trick is to jump onto my back and sit there to watch the entire process - not uncomfortable al all. Hmmppfffff.

Since we got home a lot has been accomplished although not much to see for it. Mostly planning, paperwork and getting all our little ducks in a row. I did manage to pack one kitchen box (I hate packing the kitchen), but other than that I am just trying to let my body catch up. My head is so busy 24/7 working out where to put things in the new house, what needs to be packed for use and what can be stored temporarily. My darling Hubby is going to have to keep his Carpentry tools on hand as we will need book shelves, kitchen units and generally lots of the other gorgeous things he makes. Woohoo it's all very exciting.

Next week is fast following the current trend of 'busy' as my second eye operation is scheduled for Tuesday, I will be glad when this is behind me. The only 'problem' is that this time I know what I am in for, last time I was totally unaware. We also have a BIG family event in a week as our little Princess will be turning 13. Where, oh where have the years gone? I was there when she was born and was the first to hold her, when I look at her now I see a beautiful, confident, strong minded young lady who is catching up to me on the height front quickly. You've got a couple of years to go Princess and I will always be your Granny.

We are planning (I am planning) a quiet recovery weekend hopefully. One of the big things about having Fibromyalgia is to try and avoid going beyond your limit which has been impossible, the consequence is that it leaves one with chronic fatigue and also a 'Fibro flare' which is extreme pain amongst other things. To that end I am hoping to take it easy and 'fill up my tank' quickly so that I can get back to all that needs doing.

The sun is shining although it is quite cool but I really wish it was pouring with rain, we humans are such strange creatures aren't we ? Just on the off chance that I've never mentioned it, I am undoubtedly a winter/cold weather person through and through hehehe. Here's wishing each one of you a super weekend, with the best weather for you haha. Whatever you do enjoy and always stay safe.

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