Monday 20 June 2016

The Clock is Ticking.

From a chilly Johannesburg, warm greetings to you all. My mind is like an eight lane highway at the moment, so many things buzzing around. The stop-watch has been set and exactly 6 weeks from today we should be busy moving into our gorgeous new home. The moving company has been notified, family informed and a ton of packing to do. We've got to the stage now that when someone asks for something I say "it's been packed". On Saturday I packed all our CD's and DVD's and then three quarters of our books, I know we read a LOT but gosh.... and that is excluding Jelly Bean's room which is a veritable library. The house is starting to look as if we are moving with blank spaces appearing. I will be honest and say that I will be beyond delighted when this is behind us, it's hard going haha, and this is someone who has moved over 38 times in her life.

One of the other things buzzing around in my heart is as a result of yesterday being Fathers Day. I remember when Jelly Bean was small she would make me a Fathers Day card at school or Sunday school and initially I thought it odd and at the same time felt sorry for her that she didn't have a Daddy to give them to, then I realised that I was both Mommey and Daddy. I think we often get so caught up in the day itself that we perhaps lose the significance of it. I was so blessed to see really meaningful messages to and for Dads on Social Media yesterday, but at times like this let's also think of the single parent families. Moms being Dads and Dads being Moms. It is very easy to not look beyond the surface of what we can see in the lives of the single parents around us. There are some things that a Mom just can't teach and visa versa. For example, recently we were out and Hubby had to repair something with a drill. There was a little boy there who asked if he could 'help' (he is from a single parent family). My Hubby loves teaching kids and sharing knowledge with them, so he instantly said "yes" and let the little guy have a go at using the drill. This little boy was fascinated with the whole process and enjoyed the time spent learning a 'guy thing'. Having been a single parent of 4 children with age gaps spanning 17 years I know firsthand how hard it is for both the parents and the children. Perhaps if you are taking your kids to a cricket match, think about inviting a little boy who doesn't have a Dad to take him, or if you are having a braai teach him how to make a fire. If you are taking your daughter for a tea date invite a little girl who doesn't have a Mommy to take her, or if you are baking/cooking teach her how to cook. Single parents do their best, but there is NEVER an off day, no one else to hand over to when they are tired or sick, they are always doing double duty. I know how much my little Princess enjoys spending time with her Grandpa. They have long chats about all sorts of things, he teaches her how to do practical things and she loves getting dirty working with him in the garage. Obviously everyone's circumstances are different but I just pray that we become more sensitive to those people in our circles, both young and old.

As I sit and type this Kiko is lying on my arm fast asleep, quite oblivious to the awkwardness she is causing. She is only going to have her stitches removed tonight as the Vet wanted them in for a full 10 days. I am sure she is going to be flying around the house once the collar is removed and she is free. All of a sudden this weekend she learnt how to jump onto the kitchen counters....... So now poor old Gemma can't retreat there for solitude as she is instantly followed. Kiko almost stalks her in the never ending quest to be friends.

Well friends I need to get things done and organised so here is wishing you a wonderful week,make advantage of every opportunity and always - stay safe.

Princess and Grandpa fishing on holiday.

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