Friday 24 June 2016

Dream big and don't give up

Good morning all, is it just me or is this year simply galloping past. I am having a battle keeping up with which month it is never mind what day of the week. For your sake I hope that this week has been nowhere as crazy as mine, I am so glad that it is over and we are going into the weekend. There are so many ends that have to be tied up and organised most of which had to go onto the back burner this week as Tuesday I was back in hospital for my third eye surgery (in six weeks) which pretty much has flattened me. The Doctor is very happy and I am delighted that the 'mist' has gone, now it is just the wait for the implanted lens to settle down so that I can focus. Not being able to drive is beyond frustrating as well as putting extra pressure on my dear Hubby, who bless his heart never complains. Adding to all this Poppet was in hospital yesterday for a reconstructive 'touch up' surgery and I was unable to be with her. To her friends who stepped in, thank you SO much from the bottom of my heart for all that you do for my girls, and to my little Princess who is looking after her, you are such a huge blessing Angel thank you. Now we are both sitting at home, in separate towns, unable to do much. Something wrong with this picture? Poppet, we should have organised it that we recover together in one home hehe. Get better quickly my beautiful girl.

During all this 'kafuffle' our Johannesburg home has been transferred out of our name and the Betty's Bay home is not very far behind in the Transfer process. It has been absolutely amazing to see how God has moved things along and provided for us every step of the way as things have happened. He truly is our Mighty God.

Monday night saw little Kiko's stitches eventually removed and she is back to her incorrigible, busy little self. She was so happy to eventually be rid of the thick collar she had to wear. It's almost as if she understands what is going on as she hardly left my side for a couple of days after my surgery. She can be so gentle and yet has teeth that would rival a tigers I am quite sure.

Just a small encouragement to those who may need it. Never stop dreaming or grow tired of waiting for your breakthrough or your answers. It is such a cliche statement I know, and I also know how easy at times it can be to just toss it all aside and settle for what you have. Your future is so much bigger than what you can imagine and you DO deserve to see your dreams, hopes and desires come to pass. Hang in there friends and don't grow weary.

Have a wonderful weekend, do what makes you happy and as always ....... Stay safe please.

Kiko keeping me company.

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