Monday 28 March 2016

A new week - am I ready?

And just like that the long Easter weekend is almost over and a new week awaits us. Am I ready for it .... Nope I don't think so haha. This week is going to be one of those crazy, busy, can't get my breath weeks. Apart from all the 'normal' stuff that needs to be done 'Poppet' is moving on Thursday. So, seeing as everyone will be at work this is going to be a 'girl' deal. Mind you, seeing as I have moved more times than I can actually remember (about 36 last count) it should be a breeze except for the fact that I'm not as young as I once was. So, Thursday it will be sleeves rolled up, back flexed, sturdy shoes and a healthy dose of energy.

As if I am not a sucker for punishment we have decided to 'add' to our family. We heard of a litter of kittens that were rescued and being fostered and have decided to adopt one. Now, that being said, we have a 6 yr old, extremely opinionated, spoilt cat who thinks that the house revolves around her 24/7. So I am expecting to be launched into a mini war zone by the end of the week. I am going to be using every bit of advice I've read to make this a trouble free zone, but on the inside I have my doubts. No doubt I will be haughtily ignored for a few days and highly unpopular to say the very least, but optimist that I am, it should all smooth out in time.

Speaking about optimism, that, my faith in God and a keen sense of humour is what has carried me this far on my winding road. I received a Facebook 'memory' reminder yesterday that I shared 5 years ago. We were travelling home after me spending the week with 'Poppet' who had undergone a 7 hour surgery after being diagnosed with Breast Cancer. This was her second cancer (the first being Thryoid - completely gone). She had very aggressive surgery and during that week, hubby was home due to work, I felt like I was on a roller coaster, never mind winding road. The emotions, fear, prayers, faith, tears, looking after Princess (grand daughter). It was a TOUGH week. When I look back and then look to the now I can only stand in awe of how far along the road we as a family have come. Poppet kicked cancer's butt and is now an even more beautiful, confident, successful woman with a gorgeous daughter.

It doesn't matter how dark the day is, or how far down the tunnel you feel you are, keep on believing for that miracle, trusting God, looking for the full glass, and find time to laugh even if it is through the tears. It is these craters and twists in the road that make us who we are - stronger, wiser, more compassionate, and richer in every way.

N.B. For future reference and to protect my family - Eldest son is 'Big Guy' Eldest Daughter is "Poppet" Second son is "Big Bear" Second daughter is ' Jelly Bean' Grand daughter is 'Princess'. Step daughter is 'Miss Muffett'. Daughter in law is 'Baby Bear'

Friday 25 March 2016

The adventures and surprises of a winding road.

Travelling on a winding road is always going to be interesting.  It is constantly changing, turning, hidden potholes, beautiful vistas, great frustrations and even long boring straights.

Such has been my life.  The experience gained and memories made, both past and present are what I will be sharing with you on this Blog.

I am a wife, mom, stepmom, grandmother, cat lover, amateur cook, knitter and newby photographer.  Without my Faith in God and a healthy sense of humour I would not be writing this now.  I have somehow managed to rear four incredible kids, who are successful, strong, complex, opinionated (I have no idea where that came from), witty and fun loving individuals.  They are giants in every way.  I have a husband who is incredible and my special blessing.  A precious grand-daughter who I was blessed to hold in her first minutes of life.  A daughter-in-law, stepdaughter and her husband and their two adorable little boys.

My winding road has showered me with more blessings than I can count and life is definitely NEVER dull.  There is always something happening.

As this Blog unfolds I will be sharing windows and experiences into my life (I asked and was given the thumbs up by one and all haha)