Friday 5 August 2016

We actually did it - we have arrived in the Cape.

Hello friends, this is just a quick catch up, it feels like such a long time since my last Blog and so much has happened in just one week. I hope this finds you all well and ready for the weekend. What a week we have had, jam packed with the long trip, preparation before the truck arrived and then actually moving into our lovely new home. Our trip down to Cape Town went well even though we did it over two days, I would like to add that on Sunday night we sleep in Colesburg and left early Monday morning with the weather at a 'toasty' 1 c. We arrived in Betty's Bay at about 4 pm, settled all the animals and then went through to friends who out us up until yesterday morning when our truck arrived. How is it that it takes weeks and months to pack and then you can unpack it in a day or two ? We worked until about 8 o'clock last night and then again all day today but it is now starting to look and smell like home (I cooked a nice lamb stew for supper hence the smell haha). We have been so very blessed in being able to buy this house and thank the Lord daily for His provision. There is still lots to do as we are very short of cupboards which my clever Hubby is going to build, a fence we have to 'Max proof' as he will find anyway out that he can, all the electrical wires for lamps etc to be done, and, and, and. I'm thinking we will be busy for quite awhile. one of my favourite things is being able to stand in the lounge and look at the ocean even though it's about 300m from the house. Can you believe we haven't had a moment yet to actually go down to the beach although the wind has been howling since we arrived so it hasn't been a priority? As for the animals, Max and Sasha are enjoying the bigger garden although for some reason they seem to think that the wind needs to be barked at...... I had a good laugh today when I happened to look outside and see Max getting up only to change the way he was standing in order to stop himself from being blown over, haha the trials of being a little Yorkie. All my hopes of Gemma calling a truce because it is neutral territory have fallen flat as there is no change whatsoever. She is still her growly, hissy self towards one and all. Kiko on the other hand has a 'thick skin' and takes no offense, she just explores her space and gets up to mischief quite happily and totally unperturbed by the goings on around her.

Well friends enough about our move, it's time I called it a day and make my way to bed. So much for pacing myself, that plan flew out the window and as I sit here (my precious Hubby has just made us a hot mug of Horlicks) my feet are so sore I cannot feel them, the rest of me feels about the same so I am going to have a HOT bath and hopefully and good sleep. As our Wi-Fi is now connected I will be back to normal and look forward to writing Monday's Blog.

I wish you all a wonderful, refreshing and hopefully relaxing weekend, whatever you do have fun and always be safe.

The view from our deck.

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