Friday 15 April 2016

The calm before the storm ...

This week has felt like the calm before the storm. Not a bad storm but a BUSY storm. It's been a quiet week which is rare and I'm definitely not complaining. But there is a lot happening in the background and on the horizon. Let me explain - for years we have spoken about retiring and the timing has never been right for many reasons. I believe we were also 'looking at the wrong place' for us. Many years ago I heard about a harbour in Italy which had a very narrow entrance. The only way for the ships to enter was when three green lights along the pier, lined up until they looked like one light. Then it was right to enter. Anyway, long story short, last year we finally decided the we wanted to retire to the Cape and not Natal as planned. Since making that decision the lights have started lining up and things have started moving. Our house is on the market, Hubby's work contract is coming to an end, we know where we want to be, but at this point it is ALL 'still to happen' - the calm before the storm. Having moved more than 38 times in my life, and just having helped Poppet two weeks ago, I know more than most just what awaits me and I cannot say I am relishing the thought. I look around and find myself mentally packing the house. I will admit to completely bailing on packing the garage. That is Hubby's domain alone. In the meantime we are enjoying house shopping on the net, at least we now have a really good idea of what is available and can see and research what we like. So now you can understand my statement about the calm before the storm. I do believe I will enjoy the calm while it lasts knowing what lies ahead.

Talking about calm....... We are still not living in a completely calm environment. I am amazed at how long it is taking Gemma to stop hissing and growling, but to her credit it is far less. I think more for show now than anything else. Kiko actually managed a few run pasts today without being moaned at. I have to give this little one her due, there has not been one encounter with the huge Gemma where she backed away first. She stands her ground and Gemma always moves away first. Kiko will come up close to my face and we have these little 'chirp' conversations. About what I have no idea, but seeing as she is purring all the while I am assuming they are good haha.

I have taken on a new project - my little princess saw a knitted gillet/poncho picture that she liked. I love knitting but usually from a pattern, the only thing is there is no pattern available for this garment. So, brave (maybe naive) soul that I am, I boldly promised I would make it for her. Many calculations and ideas later I believe I have come up with a 'pattern' and began the project yesterday. It did prove more than a little difficult once Kiko discovered the wool and moving needles - at one point I was knitting above my head. Eventually she got tired, never bored though, curled up to sleep and left me to my knitting. Will post a photo when it is finished, if it works :D

As this week comes to a close, have a fabulous weekend, make the most of every moment and stay safe.

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