Monday 11 April 2016

At what speed are you hurtling through life ?

The thing with travelling through life is that there are times when we get to slow down long enough sometimes to get reflective. Today was one of those days for me. After a somewhat mad dash right across town through the morning traffic to get Jelly Bean to her Saxophone lesson, I had 45 minutes of sitting in the car waiting and reflecting.

I'm sure I am not the only one who wishes that sometimes we could push the clock backwards to when our children were young. As I look at parents everywhere doing what we do, more and more I am aware of how much the children are merely 'there'. I am going to take the liberty here to encourage Moms and Dads and even Grandparents to take time to sit and actually look at how you are interacting with your kids. I know life is a rush from morning to night, but in that rush there are little humans who are being given lists of instructions and ultimatums. There is so much peer pressure at every point of their lives, are we adding to it ? I see moms in shops, so busy rushing that when their child speaks they don't even hear. I see those little faces 'drop' at being ignored/brushed off and sometimes even a look of total rebellion at being ignored. Nowadays mobile phones take away even more precious time from your children - you get home and are busy making dinner, trying to organise the kids with homework/baths etc and the phone rings. We tend to take the call and carry on with everything else without blinking, but, the tone of voice to the children gets sharper and more irritated, even though we are sweet and polite to the caller. This just escalates and becomes a vicious circle which end up turning the evening into a nightmare. Moms and Dads those are your creations, most of what you are doing is to provide for them, please, please take time to listen to them, why they do what they do, how they perceive life, what do they want. Our children are young for such a short time and we can never get those days back. This weekend we had our little Princess here overnight. She is 3 months short of turning 13 and even though I have been extremely involved all her life, I looked at her and thought - where on earth has the time gone ? She has opinions, churning emotions, ideas of what she wants in life and before we blink she is going to be in Matric.

I look back, sometimes with a heavy heart, and wish I knew then what I know now. That I could have taken more time to actually communicate with, listen to and ENJOY each one of them at the various stages of their lives. Please don't get me wrong, I look at my children today and want to burst with pride at the amazing, awesome individuals they have turned into. having said that I would do it again In a heartbeat, just hopefully a little differently.
Guys, you make me SO proud to be your mother and I am eternally grateful for the close relationship that we share as individuals and as a family unit.

On the kitten front - we are still not living in a peaceful zone although it is slightly less 'hissy/growly' than last week. Kiko is just love and cuteness covered in fur, just too precious for words. When we got her I was told she was a Snow paw X. When our son-in-law in the UK saw her photo his first question was 'is she a Birman?' To be honest I know nothing about Birmans but this morning I got an email from Pinterest with 'Pins specially for you'. There front and centre was a picture of Kiko's double. Hmmmmmmmm now after doing some reading I am beginning to think she is a Birman X. As I've said before, never a dull moment in this house.

Have an awesome week folks and stay safe. Don't let the good become the thief of the best.

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