Monday 4 April 2016

Kittens and Dragonflies.

Much excitement right now. I am going to collect my little kitten this afternoon. Everything is ready and waiting to bring it home, except maybe Gemma. I am just going to deal with the 'fallout' as and when it happens and pray for a peaceful introduction. we thought we would only collect it later in the week, but the time line moved up just a tad. Yaaaay. I will add a photo of the new baby on the next post.

Yesterday I was in the pharmacy and the lady assisting me was completely taken with my Dragonfly pendant. We ended up having a long chat about it and I thought now would be a good time to tell My Dragonfly story (I know some of you have been waiting for this one :D )

Many years ago, I was in a particularly dark place in my life. It felt as if, emotionally, and in every area of my life I was in a whirlpool, being sucked under, with no strength to get out of it. Nothing I did was making any difference. I was widowed with four children and could not see the light at the end of any tunnel. Big guy had just set up my first PC and I barely knew how operate it much less do what I can do now. Anyway, one day I was trying to find my way around and stumbled on a statement/encouragement on the Dragonfly. I printed it out but have never been able to find it since hmmmm. The quote was shorter than this, but I am taking the liberty of adding a bit more detail.

A Dragonfly starts it's life as a Nymph at the bottom of a dark, murky pond. It lives in that dark place for up to 5 years, during which time it will go through a number of phases in growth. Eventually it will make it's way to the surface (usually at night) and will cling to a reed or leaf and just sit quietly waiting for the sun to come up. When this happens, it splits it's skin and allows the sun to dry out it wings. Once dry the beautiful Dragonfly takes flight and spends the rest of it's life flying around, set free to explore.

This 'hit' me so powerfully. It gave me the strength, the hope and desire, to swim harder and get out of the darkness. Has it been easy? NO.... not for a second. Did my circumstances change miraculously ? No ........ BUT, I did. Since then God has constantly brought Dragoflies across my path as a reminder to me of where I've come from and what, through Him, I have achieved. The very first gift Hubby gave me was a Dragonfly pendant that I saw in a flea market in 2006 and there is not a single day that it is not around my neck. I also have a couple of Dragonfly charms on my wrist chains. There is seldom a week that someone doesn't comment on my pendant, giving me a chance to tell them a little bit about it.

I know that many of you have been/are in a dark place. Dark is dark. It is only displaced by light. I would like to encourage you today to hang in there, keep looking for your light and don't stop swimming. Eventually things will change and you will emerge stronger, free to fly and explore your next phase.

Having said all that - have a totally awesome week friends. I need to get myself ready for the new family member, huge grin, it is just so exciting. Even the weather forecast seems in my favour. We are expecting cold, wet weather which is just my best. There is even a lovely pot of homemade vegetable soup on the stove. I think Crazy Cat Lady only becomes official at 5 or 6 cats. Haha

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