Monday 11 July 2016

It is well with my soul.

Happy Monday folks, it's a brand new week which is no doubt going to be a busy one for us all. I just heard someone sing the Hymn 'It is well with my soul' and was reminded about the origin of that particular song. If you will bare with me for a few minutes I will give you an abbreviated version. The Hymn was penned by a wealthy Chicago lawyer called Horatio Spafford in 1873. He was married to Anna and they had five children. Their young son died in 1871 from pneumonia and in the same year they lost most of their business in the great Chicago Fire. They were blessed to see their business flourish once again. In 1873 his wife and children boarded a French Ocean Liner from the U.S. to Europe, at the last moment Mr Spafford was unable to go due to a business complication and was to join them a few days later. About four days into their journey the Liner collided with an iron hulled Scottish ship. Anna took her four daughters up on deck and prayed with them. It took twelve minutes for the Liner to sink taking the lives of 226 of the passengers, including Anna's four daughters. A passing row boat saw Anna holding onto a piece of wreckage and rescued her, they were then picked up by another large vessel and nine days later landed in Cardiff, Wales, from where she telegraphed her husband saying "Saved alone, what shall I do?" Mr Spafford later framed this telegram and had it in his office. He booked passage on the next available ship to be with his wife. When his ship was four days out, the Captain called him to his cabin and told him that they were on the spot where his children had gone down. It was after this that Mr Spafford penned the hymn

'It is well with my soul,
When peace like a river attendeth my way,
When sorrows like sea billows roll,
Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say,
It is well, it is well with my soul.'

Anna went on to give birth to three more children, one of whom died aged four. The Spaffords moved to Jerusalem in 1881. Mr Spafford died in that city and is buried there.

Philippians. 4 v 7. And the peace of God which surpasses all understanding, shall keep your hearts, your minds through Christ Jesus

Whatever you are going through, or this week may throw at you, friends don't lose the Peace of God in your soul.
We can lose our peace through the smallest things which then become mountains. My prayer for each one of us is that no matter how busy our days may be, we will remain at peace and keep our joy.

My week started off busy, what's new? And looks like staying that way, I will admit tha right now having to live with the 'untidiness' of boxes and bags is starting to become somewhat tiresome, hehe. I thrive in order not in chaos, but having said all that I can say I've broken the back of the packing, definitely more than half way done. Yaaaay.

Yesterday we delivered Poppet's dining room table and benches that Hubby dearest designed and made, and we were then spoilt to have a super lunch cooked for us where we all enjoyed 'christening' said table. If I may say so, it is GORGEOUS. I have a very talented husband. Poppet and Princess are thrilled with their beautiful table. It was a little bitter sweet as I realized that the time is going so fast and Sunday's like this with the girls and Big Guy are soon about to end and will then become holidays with them, and Sunday's with BigBear and BabyBear will then take place. So much change ........ and it's happening so fast. Time for new beginnings and new traditions.

Hopefully my new 'eyeware' will arrive this week and I will be able to function properly again, it's been a while.
In the meantime friends, have an awesome week, stay focused, stay happy and ........stay safe.

Poppet's Dining Room Table.

Dining Room Table, Wine Rack and Kitchen Block on wheels.

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