Friday 15 July 2016

Countdown is now at two weeks.

Eeeeek two weeks and counting down fast. No matter how many things I cross off 'the' list, more always seem to pop right back on it, it's nearly over. Good morning folks, I hope today finds you and yours safe and well. After watching the news this morning about the tragedy in France, yet once again I am reminded of just how important it is for us to take the time to tell and show our families and those close to us just how precious they are and how much we love them. As I once read, and have experienced more than once, tomorrow is not guaranteed, please make sure you never miss an opportunity to love your family. My prayers and thoughts are with all the people involved in yesterday's attack and the hundreds of people that have been impacted by it.

As Big Guy would say my life is s tad manic at the moment in many different areas, to that end after a sleepless night (due to the fact that I hurt my back yesterday) I decided to get an early start this morning and just 'get things done'. So far it appears to be working so far haha. Happily on the 'new house' front things are in the final stages and we couldn't be happier. God has been so amazingly good to us, we have seen His hand at every stage of this move since we made our decision and fell in line with His will for our lives. I can't wait to actually arrive at our new home and to be able to settle, unpack all my treasures and enjoy every aspect of our new lives. Saying goodbye to our children here in Johannsburg and close family and friends is going to be extremely difficult, I'm at the 'ostrich' stage on that one, trying to pretend it's not going to happen.

Eye wise the news is not quite so exciting. I saw the surgeon for the final three week check up this week and she only told me what I already knew. The two left eye surgeries did not produce the expected result, in fact the astigmatism in the left eye is slightly worse than it was. She thinks the implanted lense may have moved, I personally believe that in the second surgery it wasn't placed in exactly the same position. The overseas company are unhappy as this was the first time their product was used here and they were involved right through all the surgeries. Unfortunately the risks of operating again far outweigh the benefits at this stage. So, after the excitement and expectation of never wearing lenses and glasses again, here I am wmaiting for new glasses to arrive and new lenses, which are going to take four to six weeks to make. Can you believe that? The left lens still has to be specially made up for me. To anyone who knows me well, they will tell you that I hate wearing my glasses out in public. Joy of joys - I will see better than before, only just with added help AND the cataracts are gone. I chose really funky glasses, so now I have to have the courage to actually wear them out hahaha.

At the moment I am trying to train Kiko not to bite. I was reading last night and apparently it is more prolific when kittens are removed from their mothers when they are too young. So, after trying a number of things which have not worked i.e. Blowing in her face or tapping her when she bites - she bites back, harder. Saying no is not terribly effective, so, I am now going to hiss like a mother cat, hold her by the scruff of her neck and give her a time out. This little fur ball is quite spirited, mischievous and not scared of very much. Two minutes ago. She climbed the security bars on the window and was on top of the curtain rail, a little earlier she jumped into a plastic shopping bag and was quite happy to let me carry her around the house in it. When she is not running around playing and getting into things she is the most lovable little poppet.

Friends here is wishing you a fabulous weekend in whatever you are planning to do, treasure your families and make the most of your time together. Whatever you do and wherever you go please stay safe.

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