Monday 3 October 2016

Visits, memories and victories

It's a new month, a new week and in South Africa it is school holidays which means our quiet little town just got a whole lot busier. Thankfully we are not overrun with visitors but there is definitely an increase in people who I am sure are delighted with the perfect weather Betty's Bay has delivered today. Our little Princess arrived yesterday and I was absolutely stunned to see how much she has grown in the two months since we've been here. Good grief she has overtaken Jelly Bean and BabyBear and fast on her way to overtaking me, where oh where has the time gone ? What a blessing it is to have her with us for the week, so far today we have been into Kleinmond, then stopped at 'our' Shell beach where we all meandered around finding treasures and now Grandpa has taken her off to the main beach to go Boogy boarding, I am waiting to hear how long that lasted with the cold water hehe, I think she is in for a shock. I begged off this little excursion in order to recharge my batteries a bit which frustrates me beyond words, just the fact that I have to miss out on anything makes me GRRR.

Well friends what can I say it is always busy for some reason. We have now reached the point on Hubby's long list where all the small indoor 'changes/chores' are done and from here we move to the exciting stuff, like building the kitchen farmhouse table unit, tea station, bookshelves etc wooohooo. So far and I say this with thumbs crossed, Max has not found a way through or over the fence and that is not for a lack of trying so we hope we can finally tick that off the list. Although this morning he and Sasha found a way around the back of the garage, which is blocked off, and smelt something in the air vent holes in the brick wall which has kept them obsessed ever since to the degree that there is a wet patch on the bricks from where they have been sniffing, I just shake my head in bewilderment. As a bit of a report back I can say that a Bicarbonate/baking Soda paste has removed whatever little ticks were bothering Kiko as well as healing the sore spots (from scratching), I did however buy her a tick collar as well - it's war on ticks and fleas in the house. Then another good report back is my attack on the mold in the shower, first of all I blasted it with high pressure steam then I made up a mixture of 1/3 vinegar and 2/3 water in a spray bottle and I keep spraying that on. Apart from a slightly vinegary smell it is working like a charm and most of the mold is gone and the stubborn areas are diminishing daily, apart from the success it is cheap and has no chemicals so a double win.

As I sit and type this there is not a breath of air, the sea is the most glorious colour, birds are chirping, my dogs are barking at something (of course) and I can hear the waves breaking in the rocks in front of us - I am indeed blessed beyond measure. It is Poppet's birthday today so I got to speak to her early this morning and a couple of times since then, it is Hubby's birthday on Wednesday which means we will meet up with BigBear and BabyBear for dinner in the evening, that way they will also get to spend some time with Princess. I got a phone call from my handsome firstborn - Bug Guy which was awesome, I miss the Jhb and UK family so much, in an ideal perfect world we could all live in the same city at the same time. Tomorrow we have my darling Hubby's son, my step-son, and family coming for a visit which will be wonderful as we haven't seen them for absolutely ages and in between all this we are going to try and make the most of the good weather for every day that we have it, being the Cape it could be doing exactly the opposite in 24 hours.

As I end off for today friends I would like to encourage you to appreciate and make the most of every moment you have with your loved ones, let them know how much you love and appreciate them, be kind to yourself, I hope this week treats you well, and always, always please be safe.

Betty's Bay this morning

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