Monday 24 October 2016

Unexpected ups and downs

Hi folks, I trust this finds you all rested and ready for the week ahead ? Well after planning a relatively productive weekend mine turned out exactly the opposite, so all planned projects are now on my schedule for this week, Ho hum as my darling Hubby keeps telling me 'we are retired so it doesn't matter when I do it'. First success on Friday was that I made a fire and we actually kept it going for just over 24 hours, quite an event I can tell you. Ever since we bought our fireplace we have only once managed to keep the fire alight overnight. It would appear (we think) that the quality of anthracite we have been getting is not very good as it does not burn down completely. Ever optimistic I made a wood fire and through lots of tending and pampering it lasted until Saturday evening which was glorious. Sharon 1. Fire 0.

Then the event which altered the course of my weekend hehe, late on Friday evening just before bed I was down on the floor looking for a new book to read, when I got up for some reason my one knee gave in and I ended up having a very bad fall, kind of over the coffee table and then over the back of the couch to greet the cement floor mouth first. Not what was needed I can assure you. Hubby leapt to find tissues to stem the bleeding, Jelly Bean exploded out of her room demanding to know what had happened and me feeling very dazed and sorry for myself. Thankfully no lasting or critical damage unless you count my dignity, I bit right through my lip, somehow managed to bend my one finger right back on itself to the point my ring cut me, both knees badly bruised and a increase of bruises still appearing. Quite ridiculous the whole thing when all I did was stand up, anyway that put paid to my weekend plans of whitewashing a cupboard and making a Ciabatta Bread. Three days later and I feel a lot more human if somewhat tender, and tomorrow I hope to paint my cupboard and later in the week will make my bread. In the meantime this clever husband of mine has designed and modeled our new kitchen table and it looks AWESOME, can't wait for it to be finished.

Even though we have lived here for three months (it feels like forever) every day we discover new things to see, I am still searching for the small cove where shells are reported to be found and in so doing discovered a whole hoard of beach access roads and areas we did not know about, never mind all the coffee shops and restaurants that remain untested and so explorations continue. This is one of the amazing things about living here, the fact that every single day is beautiful in different ways, there is no such thing as mundane and boring. The very first thing I do in the mornings when I walk through is to look at the sea and just give thanks to God for putting us here.

Friends I am going to keep this short because I want to add a fantastic recipe for Ciabatta Bread which is easy and delicious. I pray that each one of you has a truly blessed week, even if you have to turn those lemons into lemonade just stay positive and in charge - it is YOUR destiny. Please be safe in all your goings out and coming ins.


500 gm Flour (I use cake flour)
500 ml Water
1 pkt Instant Yeast (10gm)
2 tsp Salt

Preheat oven to 220 c

Place all ingredients in a bowl and mix with a K Beater for 10 - 12 mins on a fast setting until the dough forms a ball.
Cover with cling wrap and leave for about 30mins or until it doubles in size.
Gently tip the dough onto a floured surface and shape.
Bake for 20 - 25 minutes or until toothpick comes out clean.

This bread is really delicious and as you see can be made quickly if you have guests or just feel like a treat.

Last night just before 7pm a few clouds just hanging around

My beautiful Kiko, just look at that tail

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