Monday 17 October 2016

Fun times and heart warming visits.

It is a gorgeous Monday just because we are at the start of a brand new week where we can write our own history. Hi all I hope this Blog finds you well and ready for the week ahead. Well our week kind of started with a bit of a burst haha, but firstly our weekend was a home 'work' weekend. As I am anxiously waiting for my darling Hubby to build my kitchen table and other furniture, yes I do admit to mentioning it every now and then, he needed to bring some kind of order to his garage or up until now the dumping ground. Since we moved in all the excess boxes and bags etc were stored there, being the incredibly clever man that he is he made a suspended platform on Saturday and then yesterday we relabeled and listed all the boxe and bags and packed them up on the platform in order of what is most likely to be needed first. The result is he now has a BIG workspace with a table, his little office and all his tools etc have been put where he needs them and now he can soon start on the furniture. Whoop whoop pictures will definitely follow.

This morning we needed to go to Pringle Bay for a few things and so off we set, but it turned out to be a little more complicated than just get in the car and go. Whilst trying to open the gate and remove a stone which had found its way onto the rail Max and Sasha snuck out behind my back and took off down the road at a speed, ears flapping in the wind which I am now positive is all those ears are good for. The louder I called the faster they ran so we followed in the car, by now having lost sight of them altogether we went literally in every direction possible until eventually we found Sasha coming from the opposite direction they had run in, she was quite happy to get back into the yard so one down and one to go. By now Jelly Bean was also involved in trying to control both cats who had come to see what the fuss was about and now Sasha, off we went again this time heading for the main tarred road where lo and behold about a hundred meters up the road (also in the opposite direction) we see Max casually running down the middle of the road as if it belonged to him, not a road sense brain particle in his head I tell you. Without much fuss we got him into the car while avoiding the other traffic, got home and as I opened the door to get him out he jumped right out of the car and took off again down the road. I was absolutely dumbstruck and the more I called and whistled the faster he ran, Hubby called him and he slowly turned and debated returning which he eventually did and was soundly placed back in the yard. By now we were 20 minutes late and totally frazzled, I have no understanding or explanation for how that dogs mind, or ears, work.

The occasion that we needed to go to the shops was we had very dear friends coming to visit for tea and needed something yummy to serve with it. We haven't seen each other for 8 years and oh how their visit blessed and energized me, a true friendship is when you don't see each other for a long time and yet pick up as if you were together the day before. We go back about 26 years and it was just amazing to spend time catching up, reminiscing, chatting and being together thank you SO much for the visit and laughs and tips. As I write this today weather wise we have gone from sunshine and all doors and windows open to a bit of a south easter blowing and cloud and mist covering the mountains behind us, I am hoping we can light a fire this evening as I'm going to be very lazy and am making savory mince (ground beef) on beautiful fresh Panini rolls which when I saw them this morning just called out their role in our supper. Cats and dogs are all sleeping, Hubby dearest is working in his man cave aka garage and the only sound is the waves, the wind and the clock ticking, more peaceful you cannot get.

Friends I wish you an amazing week and may you take every opportunity to shapenit and not allow it to shape you, overcome every challenge that arises with grace and integrity and in so doing encourage those you come in contact with. Please be safe and enjoy every moment with loved ones and friends.

Last night's exquisite full moon rising
No filters or editing used just my trusty Cannon camera.

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