Friday 13 May 2016

Twas a bumpy road

Happy Friday folks, it's weekend and I hope you are planning to have a good one. This has certainly been in interesting week and quite a bumpy road. On Monday I mentioned in my Blog that I would be crossing a line that I've lived with for more than 56 years. I have had 'bad' eyesight since I was a young child which grew progressively worse as I got older. It has always been a standing family joke that without my contact lenses I'm as 'blind as a bat' hmmmm, not so funny when that starts to become a reality. I was legally blind in my right eye with atrocious vision in the left. A while ago my Optician noticed that I had cataracts growing in the back of both my eys and, after monitoring them referred me to an Eye Specialist. Apparently if the cataract is not removed it will harden and then nothing can be done. So, after a multitude of tests and not much in the way of encouraging news, the dates for surgery were set, then delayed and rescheduled as the only lenses they could use had to be handmade in Israel and were delayed in arriving in SA. I asked all the questions and got all the facts (I thought) so when Tuesday arrived, although I was nervous i was also excited, until I got to the hospital. I was expecting a pretty quick procedure with a very light Anaesthetic, I even thought it might take place in a chair. Major 'pot hole' in my road. This was a full on admission, delightful hospital gown UGH, ECG, etc etc,. And the long wait....... Eventually they came for me 'early' just on 3.00 pm and I quickly realised this was not going to be a simple deal. The short story is I had a full on Anaesthetic which I had a very bad reaction to, intubation which left me unable to swallow until today. My Dr broke up the cataract and removed the residue and then inserted the specially made lens. What usually takes 15 minutes took way more than an hour as I came out of theatre after 5 pm and went home at 6 pm. I will spare you the details, but I had an eye patch on until the next day when the Dr took it off and of course the big question was, "what can you see?" I could see some improvement but not crystal clear, they took measurements and readings and the Dr looked a bit disappointed that it was only down to a -3 from - 9.7. Needless to say I was more than discouraged and kept doing the close one eye and test thing haha. Late that afternoon I got a call from the Specialist's rooms asking me to go in the following morning for more tests - instant PANIC. The purpose of that was, the Professor in Israel wanted a double check on my measurements, because if there is any discrepancy they are going to remake the left lens, to their cost, and this following Tuesday's operation will be delayed a bit. I must add here that the quality of service that the company in Israel has provided has been beyond excellent. Whilst at it they tested my right eye and I was down to -2.5 Praise the Lord. She is hoping for at least -1.5 / -2 as the permanent lens settles. Much delight by all involved including their staff with hugs of joy. So friends, I am improving daily and as I sit here typing I have no glasses, no external lens and am seeing relatively clearly through my right eye, for the first time in my life. At this point I still do not know if the left eye operation will happen on Tuesday as I am waiting for a call to do one more measurement, so here's to waiting, holding thumbs, and trying to recover quickly.

In the midst of all this we had to go to the Attorney to sign papers for the sale of our house, only to be told gleefully that everything is whizzing along and could be final by the end of June. HELP !!!!!!! We still have to find a house, feeling the stress ? Just a bit, but I know that everything is in God's hands. We are going down to the Cape in 12 days and hopefully can finalise everything then. Have I started packing you may ask? Yes I have, not a lot but I have started. I tried looking on Google to see if there were 'Packing Fairies' but alas, not one could I find.

Kiko is growing steadily and is just as lovable as ever. She had her second vaccinations on Monday night which left her feeling poorly for about 24 hours but is just as bouncy and bitey as usual. She somehow seems to think that when I eat she has full right of access to my plate, particularly if cheese is involved. Last night the house went far too quiet, I called a couple of times and ...... nothing. Eventually I went looking and heard a noise in Hubby's cupboard, I opened the door and there she was hanging on desperately to his tie/belt rail on the inside of the door. She gave this pitiful tiny little meow jumped into my arms and then came and curled up on my lap. Worse than a toddler I declare.

Have a great weekend friends and whatever you are doing, enjoy and stay safe.

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