Monday 9 May 2016

Fast pace weekend - or so it seemed

Whew what a busy weekend - I feel like a tornado blew through our house. Busy but good. On Saturday Hubby had to go to a work function and so I had the bright idea to do some baking. Hmmmmm, you know when it starts going wrong right from the get go? Big Guy had 'ordered' a large quantity of Crunchies / Anzac Biscuits so I decided to start there only to open the cupboard and there wasn't enough of this and a bit short of that. Not allowing that to daunt me, I calmly moved onto making Stoneground Wholemeal Bread - success. Then seeing as the oven was hot I thought I would capitilise and make some Wheat Free Biscotti, this too went well considering that I had a certain small ball of fur trying to climb up my legs and weaving in and out between my feet. During this time I had spoken to Hubby dearest who said he would pick up the missing Crunchie ingredients on the way home. Biscotti finished and then I just rolled straight into making the 'large' order. Oh dear. I got 'clever' and thought that if I replaced the Wheat Free flour for Coconut flour that would make them even healthier. So, I pretty much used half the ingredients and all I produced when they were cooled was MEUSLI......... they just fell apart, lesson to self don't change it if it works. By this time I was exhausted and more than a little 'miffed' with myself so called it a day. Yesterday I awoke early and knowing that we would have Big Guy, Poppet and Princss over for lunch I decided to get an early start, 6.50 AM found me back in the kitchen making Crunchies (with the correct flour) but using up some of the core ingredients ...... again and only making half the order. A little later Poppet called and very sweetly asked was she getting Crunchies too, #facepalm. Thinking quickly I said sure, if she would get this and that then when they arrived I would let Princess make the Crunchies and just oversee the process. This went smoothly thank the Lord, I am sure I would have burned my 'apron' if there had been another disaster. Haha.

We had a wonderful, laid back Mother's Day lunch together as a family, even though we were missing Bigbear and Babybear. My precious Hubby Braaied (barbecued) the meat, Poppet and I made an amazing salad which evolved as it went and a spcial family day was enjoyed by all. A little bitter sweet for me as this will be the last Mother's Day we spend in Johannesburg with this part of the family - next year there will be new traditions and events.

Tomorrow is a HUGE day for me as I a cross a line that has been in my life for more than 53 years, eeeek that looks old in print. I will post a full update on the outcome in my next Blog on Friday :D In the meantime the one thing that I have to attend to is taking my dear little Kiko back to the vet for her follow up vaccination. If any of you remember from an earlier Blog you will remember the fuss that she put up first time. I think I am going to find myself a suit of armour, ear plugs and a huge dose of calm. We will survive this too. She obviously has no clue where she is going so is very busy purring and loving me as I type this, let's hope she still loves me when we get back. This little kitten is like none I've ever owned before. She is into absolutely everything and has had some epic fails in trying to jump distances that are too far for her, runnig too fast down the passage and skidding, I could go on and on.

Well friends I trust that those of you who are Moms were blessed by your families and made to feel special yesterday. Have an amazing week and as always stay safe.

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