Monday 17 August 2020

My Life's Winding Roads: A productive week !!

My Life's Winding Roads: A productive week !!: Greetings everyone on this brisk and cold morning (here in BB at least), I hope today's Blog finds you all well. Well it is a bit of a...


Unknown said...

Hi. I am a fan of your blog and make sure not to miss it every week. I'm in Bloemfontein, but my son lives in Cape Town and we usually visit once a year. I've been to Betty's Bay and enjoyed our stay there. Stay warm and stay safe. Regards from Joan Visser

My Life's Winding Roads said...

Hi Joan, firstly my deepest apologies, not being a techno bod there was something not selected which shows comments coming through. Please forgive me for taking SOOO long to reply.

Gosh, Blom that sure does hold a lot of memories for me, I'm so glad you get to visit with your son down here, it truly is the most beautiful place to live. The next time you are near perhaps send me a message and we could have coffee if you have the time.

Stay well and stay safe.