Monday 24 August 2020

Exciting news ...............

Happy Monday folks, from a cooler BB - weather wise a confused little area but every day is a mystery.  Every day of last week we had a fire going full time right up to Friday, then all of a sudden we were clear skies and warm, now back to cooler weather, a black southeastern and the fire is burning.  I realized yesterday when I was looking for a particular top, that I never actually put all my summer tops away this year 🤷🏻‍♀️.

Well where to start ?  We had a cold and very busy week, Jelly Bean and I took advantage of a few minutes of  sun early in the week to nip down to 'our' little beach where we took some photos and just enjoyed the peace and beauty. Then one full day in Somerset West going from place to place, in the rain, my conclusion is I am going to stick to online shopping wherever possible hehe.  We went and looked at the second hand supply store for  'things' needed for the deck, I do believe though that we will need to go on an almost weekly basis because the stock seems to be sold almost as soon as it arrives, Thursday yielded no new treasures for us.
Yesterday we went though to Spier Wine Farm to meet up with the Bears as this is Birthday week in our family, three of us in the space of 7 days.  With South Africa going to Level 2 Lockdown on midnight Monday, it was like the entire population of the Cape went out yesterday and said "hello world." Gee whizz it was busy, everywhere, coming home we must have easily passed 250 - 300 cars on their way home going in the opposite direction.  The Wine Farm was busy with everyone wearing masks and just enjoying the outdoors.  Because the Restaurant was fully booked we opted for the Farm Shop which is a Deli and had the most delicious Sourdough Rustic sandwiches with thick ham, lettuce and cheese, Hubby had a boerewors roll nom nom, washed down with a crisp, cold Chenin Blanc and then good strong coffee.  It was fabulous to just be out, experiencing an almost normal life outdoors, there were so many children we lost count.   After eating and a nice long time chatting we took our time walking around and just enjoying all the different corners of the Farm, so many beautiful trees and gorgeous spots it was like a mini holiday and being with family refueled my heart bank, until next time. I truly am blessed with my precious family, each and every one, both near and far and have been abundantly blessed with amazing birthday gifts and wishes.

Now ........ drum roll....... ta daaa, the news I've been bursting to share for 
more than a month.   Poppet and Princess are moving down to Somerset 
West at the end of the year.  Princess is all booked into an excellent school 
and everything in that department is finalized, the next big thing will be to find accommodation at the right time which we are praying for.  We are SO excited to at last be able to have them close again and to see more of them, sadly though this means that Big Guy will still be up country and 'alone' in the sense that the rest of the family will be here, I wish he could come down as well.  

On a quick side note, I have left Charlie three time this past week which he hates, but if ever I feel unloved all I have to do is go out for awhile because when I get home he literally just about explodes when he realizes it is me in the car.  He jumps so high, barking until I can pick him up and then is so excited that he does not know where to lick first, it's like holding a slippery, hyperactive dolphin 😂😂, I must admit it does make one feel very special and wanted.

Folks those are the highlights of our week, this week is expected to be milder both in weather (today aside) and activity levels.  I will take a few days to recoup my energy and hopefully get down to some interesting cooking if I can.  I don't know how many of you ladies love cooking/baking but not when it's something you have to do e.g. Dinner every night 😂.  BabyBear and I were talking yesterday and I said I cannot remember when last I baked just because I wanted to, I miss that. 

Have a wonderful week wherever you are.  Please stay safe and continue 
wearing your masks and sanitizing, stay healthy folks.  With much love from me to you all.  Ciao ciao. 

Our visit to the beach.

Two exquisite pics from yesterday.  Spier Wine Farm from mammoth to miniscule

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