Monday 10 August 2020

A Holiday Monday, yippeee

Good morning folks, I hope this Public Holiday finds you all relaxing and having a laid back day.  It is quite hard keeping track of the dates at the moment and I sometimes find myself in an 'ooops is that today ?' situation hehe.  With today being a holiday it is probably going to confuse things even more over the course of the week.  Sometimes I  really thank the Lord for Facebook and my phone calendar for reminding me about events and birthdays etc.

Well a pretty good week behind us with all the normal routine of our life.  Hubby has been busy for weeks now trying to get a very unusual clock to run for more than an hour at a time - it is a goldfish bowl clock, very strange.  I admire his perseverance because I think I would have returned to sender long ago, but he stuck with it and eventually on Saturday got it going and and it is still tick ticking away.  
The family are doing well, the Bears went away last weekend for a two day break which did them the world of good and, I will admit to a small streak of jealousy when I saw the exquisite home and surroundings they were in.  On Tuesday morning however, they were quickly jolted back to reality when Gandalf their cat, who is BigBear's constant shadow, failed to make an appearance.  Given the fact that he is an indoor cat and there were no obvious escape routes to be seen this caused no small amount of concern.  After scouring the entire neighbourhood, by walking around banging his food dish, all the way  down to the sea, and  neighbours all running around calling him there was still no sign.  After about four hours BabyBear contacted us to say that he had just waltzed into the kitchen wondering what all the fuss was about.  He had been tightly curled up in some hidden corner and totally ignored all calls. Talk about high blood pressures and heart rates !!
Poppet and Princess are busy doing their thing and working hard, just missing the rest  of the family big time.  Big Guy went away this past weekend to a Wild Life Reserve with a group of friends and, from the pics and videos I have seen it was exactly what the doctor prescribed.  The scenery was amazing and on the one video taken in the evening you can hear all the animals as well as a lion 'chuffing' loud and clear.  I am so very glad that he and the 'Bears' were able to get out of town and enjoy a change of scenery.
I am still quilting away and loving every minute, as  I fall in love with every pattern and find it extremely peaceful.  So far I have four and three quarter squares completed so am very happy with my 'speed'.  
One thing I forgot to tell you all about last week was that  the plot next to ours has formed a very large pond which does not appear to be drying up, in fact just  the opposite.  But Jelly Bean and I were outside hanging up the washing and we could hear a goose quacking, not an unusual event as such but they are usually flying overhead.  Then I heard splashing, it would now seem that we have new neighbours, a family of geese that use our roof as a lookout and landing strip and spend their time bathing and swimming in the 'pond', this added to the myriad of other birds we have on that side is just the cherry on the cake - I  absolutely love it although they can be a tad noisy when on the roof πŸ¦†πŸŽΆπŸŽΆ
I mentioned awhile back that we are buying a Farm Box πŸ“¦ of fruit, vegetables, meat, meals and too many things to mention.  These are just the inspiration That was needed, I am sure all the ladies can identify with the "what to cook for supper" dilemma we face EVERY day.  Now Almost all of our meals are structured around the ingredients delivered.  To that end on Friday I had to take the bull by the horns and have a major cook-a-thon,  I made a huge pot of soup (4 meals) which I froze as well as cooking up the beetroot and the spinach to freeze. It was back breaking and I overdid it but at least nothing has or will go to waste and There are a few back up meals on hand.  It is like Christmas every Friday when the box arrives and my challenge this week is to cook Arichoke for the first time so hold thumbs hehe.

Well folks, that is enough rambling for a lazy Monday, I hope you all have a wonderful day and a productive joy filled week.  Please stay safe and stay well.  Ciao ciao.

Goldfish bowl clock, the fish move every second.

Charlie saying hi.

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