Monday 5 August 2019

Time for some redesign .....

Good morning all, I hope everyone had a good weekend and you are all rearing to go for this new week.  My mind is in refresh mode at the moment in a few areas of my life, there are updates and minor changes I want to make in the house albeit mostly decor wise but I am itching to do them. I am also in the process of re-designing this Blog which will involve a new look and hopefully more points of interest, so to say my mind is like a six lane highway is putting it mildly hehe.

Saying that last week was busy and somewhat challenging is putting things mildly.  BigGuy finished off with his previous job and is busy adjusting to what a normal life feels like, he has an interview tomorrow morning which we pray for Gods Wisdom and Leading for him. Jelly Bean had been very unwell for two weeks which we at first put down to her sore tooth, but even after that was fixed she just continued to feel worse.  The difficult thing is with her being a Type 1 Diabetic a tiny little ailment tends to develop into something more with no reason.  Eventually I got her to the Doctor (strong resistance at every turn haha) as she had to have her three month Blood Glucose test, HB1AC.  Praise the Lord for a wonderful, if highly unique Dr who after examination and doing the test AND having a long chat she diagnosed her with Tonsillitis, Pharyngitis, Sinusitis and promptly put her onto meds which have now started working and we have a much happier daughter.  BabyBear flew home on Wednesday to be here for BigBears surgery on Thursday.  Given his history with Anaesthetic (at 13 he came around demanding beer #facepalm, and when he was about 17 he punched a nurse) we definitely felt a warning was necessary to the hospital staff.  Babybear is a star and has stored up stories to tell us, thank the Lord the surgery went well, with no complications and there are no assault charges pending. BigBear is healing well and enjoying having his wife at home.  On Friday after rushing Princess to the Doctor with a sore arm - a soft tissue injury which requires her to wear a sling for two weeks, Poppet had to pack and then flew off to Sydney, Australia for the week on business.  She has been so stressed and busy that it was just perfect when the airline upgraded her to Prmium Class and she was spoilt and enjoyed a great flight.
As for us, well  the house is strangely quiet as all the cuckoo clocks have gone home, Hubby still has two big clocks he is working on.  The shattered and repaired Cow Clock went back to her owners
who were delighted with it and not in the least upset about the 'accident' thank goodness.

On a totally different and unusual note a little cooking gem I learnt this week.  When making white sauce for macaroni, cauliflower etc, instead of doing the traditional butter, cornflour and milk sauce you take equal quantities of Plain Greek Yoghurt and grated cheddar cheese (I used more cheese), mix then together and pour that over the pasta or vegetables, I seasoned with a little Paprika sprinkled on top, and then bake as normal, it is absolutely delicious.

Folks that is it for this week, I need to get things moving in the house.  I pray you all stay wam, healthy and safe.  From my family to yours our love.  Ciao ciao
Apologies as I am having issues loading any photos, hence re-design.

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