Monday 29 July 2019

The comedy that is my life.

Hi all on the beginning of a week which heralds the end of July, where has this year gone?    WOW it's been busy with one thing and another.  Today alone has been like  a series of trivial domestic calamities - after waking up to a weak sun and not a breath of wind I  jumped up all ready to get a huge load of washing in and on the line.  This included linen from two beds, towels, clothing etc, in the space of less than one hour we went from calm to a blessed gale.  I bravely hung up the linen on the line with extreme difficulty and no less than five minutes later the line had broken and was dragging a duvet cover (white) round and round against the fynbos.  I 'fixed' the problem or so I thought but ended up going out to rescue my linen about four times, the only good thing is it dried quickly so I could bring it in. The rest is now draped over the clothes horse and in the Dry Buddy #facepalm, while the  speed of the wind continues to increase bringing in another cold front.  While all this was going on my precious Hubby started the vacuuming only for the machine to die half way through,  after investigation he discovered the fridge was also off, it turns out the extension cord was having an emotional day so  off he went to finish and then not five minutes later heard it swallow something odd, after stopping again to look he saw that a tiny little wheel thing with its pin had fallen off and been swallowed up, once rescued the vacuuming was completed.  This follows on the heels of last week's disaster - our resident Horologist was working inside on a ceramic clock which came in for repair, when Zeepha got the zoomies and ran past the table catching her claw in the towel on which said clock was sitting, the result ......... A shattered clock and a Zeepha looking with interest at all the new things on the floor to play with, my poor Hubby just sat looking in total shock.  We picked it all up and immediately went onto the Internet to see if there was a replacement - nothing even close except for one from the USA which would have cost about R1000 to bring in.  Ever optimistic we decided to put the sad little clock back together again, this took days of painstaking work from my Hubby with glueing and sanding and filling in.  On Friday I was looking again on the Internet and found a place in Jhb who has the mold for this clock and if we need to we can replace it.  In the meantime I repainted it and it now looks almost better than before,  no stress in our lives at all HAHAHA.

We continued to take advantage of every precious visit with our friends from Cradock and felt quite odd when they left on Friday, as Jelly Bean said it feels as if they have moved away.  The family are all well Poppet is gearing up for a business trip to Australia for two weeks, she leaves on Friday, it couldn't come a worse time with her wedding less than two months away and J (Sunshine) arriving two days after she gets home, Princess will spend the time with close friends of theirs duno ing her trip.  Big Guy today finishes with the company he has been with for twelve years as it has been sold.  Right now he is taking the next two months to establish a normal routine of actually sleeping every night whilst considering his various options before he goes overseas on a long planned and much needed holiday, welcome to normal life son.  BigBear and BabyBear have been super busy, with her recovering from flu and him gearing up for a small surgery on Thursday which she will fly home for and to see him through the recovery period.  Jelly Bean has been given some work to do from home and is delighted with it, also recovering from a problem with her tooth which we thought might be an abscess but thankfully was not, a trip to the dentist on Friday sorted it all out.  In amongst all this our wedding anniversary crept up on us, a whole twelve years with this wonderful man, oh all the adventures, dramas, fun and games we have had, here's to the next couple of decades my Darling.  We went out yesterday for a wonderful three course lunch at the Kleinmond Golf Course which was a real treat,  before coming home to snuggle down in front of the fire.

Well folks that is this week's instalment of my perfectly ordinary, uneventful life, here is looking forward to see what the week ahead has to offer.  I wish you all a wonderful week filled with kindness, beauty and love.  Please stay safe and aware wherever you are.  Ciao ciao for now.

Zeepha being cute.

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