Monday 12 August 2019

Moving into 'maturity' sedately :)

Good morning all I truly do not know where the time goes it is hard to believe that we are already into August, the days just seem to fly past.  Well last week certainly did, although now that I look back it was super busy.

I eventually took the leap in hairdressing terms, despite the fact that I am in my 60's ( shhh if you say it softly it doesn't sound too old lol ) I am nowhere near ready to embrace my grey hair which in defense of my age, started showing when I was nearly 13.  Perhaps it's the Italian in me but I have always had dark auburn hair and actually love it.  I may have played with styles over the years but apart from variations of my natural color it has never really changed.  I have now got to the stage that keeping 'the zebra stripe' concealed has just become too much and therefore after much, and I mean MUCH debate and overthinking I tootled off to the Hairdresser and tentatively dipped my locks in the  highlight pool.   First of all, being me, I chose the wettest, coldest day of the year to do this  #pacepalm, but I was committed.   Of course again because it's me, due to the incredibly thick hair I am blessed with, this was no simple, quick or cheap event.  It took four and a half freezing cold hours of sitting with product on my hair, the result ............ is wonderful, I am delighted with the results and so are the rest of the family.  It is still brown with the inescapable red but considerably lighter and will be a work in progress over the next few months.  Some people absolutely rock their grey hair but I cannot in any way imagine myself totally grey, I guess it will happen with time but for now I am part of the highlight brigade hahaha.

We popped in on Thursday, taking advantage of BigBears recovery and BabyBear being at home for a super visit and a couple of hours together which included a delicious Tapas Style lunch with them.  It was definitely balm to my soul and good to see him making a good recovery.  We also made a couple of stops to stock up on certain supplies, one of which was to one of my favorite places, Woodheads the Leather store ......... Ohhh I could just stay there for hours smelling and feeling all the beautiful leathers, mmmmm.  I was looking for a specific piece of leather / suede with which to make a belt for my outfit for the wedding, on finding nothing suitable I was about to walk out when on instinct I went back and asked again and lo and behold there it was - exactly what I had in mind, the perfect color and a workable piece, now, I just have to figure out how to do it heheh.
The family are all well, Poppet landed back in South Africa late on Saturday night much to Princess' delight. Big Guy is busy following business leads and thoroughly enjoying 'normal' life.  Hubby has been busy with a beautiful wall clock that was made twenty years ago for a Mom by her son as a school project.  Mechanically it has always given problems but the woodwork and casing are exquisite.  It took just a couple of days and this talented man of mine has got it running smoothly and literally keeping time to within one second.  Well done my love.

Folks as I said last week I am busy working on this Blog site to improve the look etc and also to add more content and readers along the way so, keep watching this space.  I would like to thank all of you for your faithfulness in reading my Blog and for all the encouragement that I receive, it is what makes it worthwhile.  Have a wonderful week and stay safe out there please.  Ciao ciao

The 'restored and repainted' infamous Cow Clock

Zeepha being cute in her basket.

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