Monday 29 April 2019

Our world is shrouded in white.

Good morning all from a very chilly and white BB.  Yesterday was a lovely sunny day until a sea fog rolled in through the afternoon, we have a joke in our house when this happens that 'someone has stolen our mountain and the sea' hehe, well anyway as of this moment they have not been returned and it is wet and foggy, which I have absolutely NO objections to whatsoever.

Weather wise we had a cool week with some downright cold days requiring a good cheerful fire going and lots of wrapping up in throws, needless to say I got a lot of reading done, thank goodness for a good library.   We had a good, fairly uneventful week for a change, some of the family are fighting  the flu and are now thankfully on the mend, the rest have just been busy with normal life and it's every day challenges and delights.   My precious Hubby got one clock out, one is still on test mode and another came in which is proving to be extremely interesting.  This clock has not worked for 60 years, it came in in various pieces which means some of the vital gears are missing.  We have dated it back 1850 and after literally contacting Clock Makers around the world trying to source the parts needed, this brilliant man of mine sat down on Saturday with his computer and modelled the missing gear which he is going to have laser cut in brass.  We are going to take pics at all the various stages of the repair but, as you can imagine it is a wonderful challenge for him and very exciting.
Our next door neighbour has been here for the last week catching up on maintenance and lots of garden clean up which resulted in a couple of interesting finds.  First being a teeny, tiny baby tortoise (see pic below) which once we'd all had a good look was put back exactly where he was found to rejoin his brothers and sisters.  Next on the discovery list was a Skaapsteker snake which is apparently harmless, that being said I stayed well clear of that discovery.  We ended up with two cars having flat batteries which was just an irritant more than a challenge, thankfully we have a battery charger so each one was systematically recharged and back in use.
Yesterday I decided to make some scones (our gas had run out on the stove) so as per usual  Zeepha had to supervise and run interference hmmmmm, the result of this was complete confusion.  I planned on making a half a batch and with moving things around, away from her nose and tongue I ended up adding liquid for a full batch, so quickly adjusted with the extra ingredients and surprisingly,  a delicious result.  Shortly thereafter Hubby took the dogs for a walk in the fog, and as he came back down our road bumped into a lady with her young daughter who were all agog because there was a lone penguin wandering around in one of the gardens.  Clearly this little fellow had wandered too far as we are about 950m from the Penguin Colony, the relevant people had been called and were on their way to catch and return the solo wanderer.  All in all a wonderful, uneventful week but as usual never a dull moment, who knew retirement would be so exciting and busy.

Folks I now have the delightfully domestic chore of figuring out how to dry a full wash load including towels on a wet and foggy day, such fun!!!  I wish each and every one of you a truly blessed week, may you walk in divine health, may the wisdom of God fill your minds and words and above all may His protection cover you every minute of the day.  Ciao ciao for now,

Baby Tortoise.
 Zeepha taking ownership of my book.

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