Monday 8 April 2019

An early start to a new week.

It is a bright and breezy start to the new week here in our household, good morning all.  Well, after all the 'hoohaa' to arrange it little Zeepha has just left to be sterilized, thank you my Darling for taking her in.  I weighed her yesterday at a massive 1.68 kg hahaha and will be really pleased when this little ordeal is behind us.

Last week was definitely one of those mixed up weeks with great news in the family, which I can't share just yet - I know that's mean hehe, and no there isn't another grand baby on the way, yet.  It was one of those weeks that seemed to cruise along and then every now and again burst with busyness.  I think we are definitely heading into autumn down here as the weather has been noticeably cooler, we still have some hot days but on the whole it's cooling off, especially at night which is fantastic.  We've also had some rain so it is looking good for a wet winter.

We collected our little Bonsai plant a Natal Fig, which is now in residence and getting all the attention it needs and looks beautiful.  There are about 40 new little leaf buds just about ready to open and I will just maintain it until spring when as per our Bonsai Man's instructions I will take it back to him for its first 'haircut', so that he can show me exactly what and how to do it.  Whoop whoop!

Wednesday saw us up bright and early for a trip through to Stellenbosch to see my Fibromyalgia Doctor for my annual check up.  I had all the blood tests done the week before and happily all but two of the tests were either exactly what they are supposed to be or much improved towards normal levels.  The two tests that were unsatisfactory were one (I can't remember the name right now) which showed him that I have sleep apnea, nothing new as my precious Hubby has been telling me that for years and the second test showed that my inflammation levels are five times higher than they have ever been.  I had been interested to see the results of that one just because of how I have been feeling, I haven't really been able to bounce back from having the fungal infection and my pain levels have been far greater than normal.  In a sense it was a relief to see the result/reason for the pain, the complete lack of energy and all the other symptoms as now I know what it is and we have a plan.  He has prescribed an extra medication which should help lower the inflammation levels and thereby help me get back on the treadmill so to speak, that medication should arrive today so yippeeee.

The family are all well and busy with Poppet jetting off to Australia again in two weeks for business, the Bear's are planning an overseas trip to Europe and Big Guy also has plans to go to Thailand for a well deserved break. Hubby has a constant steady stream of clocks coming in which are keeping him busy - on Saturday someone hooted at the gate and when Hubby came back inside he was carrying a box, when I asked what it was he just grinned and said "broken Cuckoo clock", I would like to add that this one is broken as in broken so I'm looking forward to seeing it fixed and working. We are planning on staying exactly where we are and enjoying the gorgeous winter, our beautiful mountains and the ocean.  Talking about the mountains, it is such a delight every time we go out to see all the new growth and plants coming up after the fires, everywhere you look there are signs of new life and beautiful green is now interspersed in amongst all the barrenness left in the fire's wake.  Their recovery is much quicker than we expected and with good winter rains it should be looking beautiful in no time.

Folks that's about it for this week, I wish you all a happy, healthy week.  Be kind to others and take some time to be kind to yourselves, stay safe out there Ciao Ciao

Our Bonsai

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