Monday 15 April 2019

Here is praying for a stress free week.

Good morning friends and family I hope this finds everyone well and ready for the new week.  I find since we retired, that I rely on the calendar a lot when it comes to Public Holidays, previously we would almost always go away with the caravan so there was normally a countdown.  I knew Easter was coming up more or less now but, only realized this morning that it is this weekend coming ........ Happy Easter to all we know.

Well as Jelly Bean said to me last night  "let's hope this week is less stressful than last week."  It certainly wasn't intended to be a stressful week but things have a way of turning upside upside down in a second.  You may remember I mentioned last week that little Zeepha had gone in to be spayed.  Well ......... That didn't happen.  Just after lunch on Monday I received a call from the Vet who then went on to explain that they had not been able to neuter this little treasure.  Apparently after doing a full health check on her because I had some concerns, she was deemed fine and the procedure began. They had no sooner administered the anaesthetic when she just stopped breathing completely, apparently there was at first absolute shock and horror and then a fair amount of drama and action.  The four ladies then had to administer oxygen and eventually even use the paddles to bring her back which they did, Praise the Lord.  If any cat we expected to have problem under anaesthetic it was CeCe and definitely not Zeepha.  They managed to clear her eye which apparently had a dead flea caught between her two eyelids, hence the closed eye and soreness, the Vet also discovered that just about all her baby teeth have fallen out on the one side which is why she wasn't eating properly and then this.  Aaargghh.  In light of her reaction to the anaesthetic our amazing Vet wasn't even prepared to administer Zepha's vaccination.  They have asked us to take her for an X-ray as they suspect she has a hernia, because she seems to breath with her abdomen and not her diaphragm. and this would be too risky to repair, in which case she will have to remain unsterilesed and a purely indoor cat.  Yikes.  Nevertheless off  I went to collect and bring my little Squeek home.  She was still very dopey and a VERY unhappy kitty but glad to be back home.  It took most of the week for her to get back to her normal self although I have noticed she hasn't been on top of the cat condo yet, which is normally her favourite place.  She was also coughing a lot whenever she drank anything but thankfully all is now fine.

The family are all well, very busy with their lives and in the case of Miss Muffet and Fam they are whiling away the week on the beach in Spain, lucky girl. Hubby has been wrestling with a wall clock that has given him no end of trouble, in typical fashion he doggedly and patiently keeps adjusting and at this point it looks like it is almost done.  He is also busy putting together a genuine Cuckoo clock which fell off the wall and broke in to dozens of pieces as well as working on the deck as and when time and weather allow.  Talking weather .......... Yippeeeeee.  It definitely looks like we are moving right along into winter as the temperatures have dropped significantly and we have had some reasonable rains, we even lit our first fire yesterday.  This is how I remember the Cape winters from when I lived  here in the '80's, usually winter would begin at Easter time but since we moved back the last two winters have been short, fairly dry and not as cold.  So this makes me one very happy camper.

Folks that's about it for this week, for those of you who are going to be traveling, especially on the roads, please be safe and careful out there.  For those who have family coming to visit enjoy and make lots of memories and, for those who are staying home enjoy the down time and recharge your batteries.  Ciao ciao for now with love from my family to yours.

Jasper and Zeepha all snuggled up.

 Zeepha, my sous chef helping and running interference when I made rusks yesterday

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