Monday 6 May 2019

Life is never dull.

Good morning folks, another short week for those of us in South Africa as Wednesday is Voting day.
Saturday brought very high winds which buffeted the house through the night and gradually waned as the day wore on, leaving in its wake enormous waves and a tumultuous ocean, today the waves are even bigger which is fascinating to watch.

Well it might not have been a busy week, but it sure was an interesting one.  On Monday Jelly Bean noticed that little Zeepha was behaving oddly and we soon realised that she is back in heat, the SECOND time in three weeks.  Poor old Jasper he is so irritated and once again Jelly Bean and I were as important as chopped kale, eventually I resorted to giving her some Calm Eaze to try and calm her down at least a little, I really hope this is it for awhile so that we can try and get her X-rayed and then hopefully find a way to sterilise her.

Generally it was a quiet week spent getting things done around the house with all the usual things like baking RUSKS etc.  I am still doing my own nails and am delighted that I have got to a point where I am 100% happy with the outcome and consider them as good as if they were done at a salon, and this week I get to practice by doing Jelly Bean's so here's holding thumbs hehe.

On Friday I went for a Body Stress Release treatment that had been gifted to me by a precious friend, as it turns out it was not the best thing for me to do.  Within an hour of leaving my back went into a huge spasm which literally knocked me off my feet, I have spent the entire weekend lying down and trying to work through the pain and the inevitable Fibro Flare that came with it.  Needless to say I have done a LOT of reading haha.  Today I find I can sit for a little, hence a short Blog, before I finish off things needing attention in the house and find myself a new book.  As they say "this too shall pass".  My wonderful Hubby and daughter have been fantastic with all their help.  Hubby even managed to get out yesterday for a well deserved and long overdue game of golf with some friends.
The rest of the family are all well, some recovering from flu but in general all are well, happy and busy.

Folks that's it for this week, I wish you all a wonderful week, please take care out there and stay safe. I would just like to say that I appreciate each and every one who reads this Blog and for all your encouragement, love and support.  Ciao Ciao for now

Zeepha cuddled as close as she can to Jasper

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