Monday 29 October 2018

Such excitement

Good afternoon folks, a little later this today as I decided to take some time for 'me' to do some of the things I have not managed to get around to.  Well, by comparison a very quiet week with very little to report, said with a big grin.

This past week was mainly one spent in a sweltering heatwave of record proportions for this time of the year UGHHHH.  Here in BB we saw temps in the higher 30's which apart from being just plain unpleasant, curtailed many activities, needless to say I was not the happiest camper in the Province, some nights the mercury hardly dropped with a number of places recording record breaking temperatures, one record was 58 years.  Thankfully we 'sent' it further up the country and have had milder conditions for the last couple of days, about an hour ago the North wind picked up and is now on its way to blowing a gale.

We have noticed for the last couple of weeks that Jasper was behaving oddly, then last week he stopped eating.  He would not come for his food, if I picked him up and took him to the bowl he would sniff and slink away, almost like he was scared.  Then, for the last couple of days he has hibernated outside somewhere, he is not the most outdoorsy cat by a long shot, but after speaking to a friend of mine and consulting some kitty people I realized that he is grieving Cece's death.  I am very surprised because although he tried very hard to play with her it would invariably cause her to panic and then it came across as bullying.  He was always very aware of where she was and learnt to keep a distance, but for some reason he is going through a grieving process poor little chap.  We are just giving him space but lots of love when he comes for it and thankfully this morning he came and ate his breakfast as he normally does. As for Gemma I truly believe she just doesn't give a hoot if anything, she growls more at Jasper than ever, a real grumpy old lady that one.

The family are all well with Big Guy still working too hard and not getting enough sleep.  Poppet is loving her new job and learning to take better care of her health while Princess is busy studying for her year end exams which start on Thursday.  BigBear and BabyBear got to spend time together last week as she was only in Johannesburg for two days, yesterday they drove the car up to Johannesburg with a two day pit stop in Bloemfontein before moving her into her flatlet on Wednesday, he will then fly back to Cape Town on the weekend.  Miss Muffet's family are well and the boys have just had their half term break, we are very proud that J was awarded the player of the match for soccer on Saturday, little champ.  My very talented Hubby has been hard at work with watches continuing to come in for repairs, so all in all everyone is well.

Yesterday we were gifted with a once in a lifetime experience, oh my word.  We went on a Whale watching charter in Hermanus on a catamaran which carries about 76 passengers.  It was the perfect day, no wind, calm seas and a baking sun, thankfully being out on the water kept things cooler.  Words cannot describe the experience of being out on the water, engines quiet, being low down and having the whales come so close you almost felt like you could reach out and touch them. First we saw some seals, then a small pod of Dolphin, I tried so hard to photograph them but they are to quick, eventually I just put the camera down and enjoyed watching them.  Then we came to the whales, they were everywhere, apparently this year has seen a record number of Southern Right Whales and their calves on our coast.  We were so very blessed to have a number of them come right up alongside the boat and just float around, they also 'roll' which I did not know and we could see them rolling with their fins up in the air and the white tummy showing.  The first one we spotted was a mom floating on her back with her calf on her tummy.  Standing watching these enormous, majestic creatures caused an almost reverential atmosphere on the boat and people kept quiet and just enjoyed the experience.  Sadly after about 75 minutes of standing on the side watching I started feeling  like I was going to pass out , I have never been able to stand for long periods of time.  Anyway I moved to the other side of the boat which didn't help, I tried sitting down which caused wave after wave of nausea and didn't help the faintness.  So eventually I took myself off to the restroom where I spent ten minutes dry heaving into the basin, I could still hear what I was missing which didn't help haha.  After awhile I went back up on deck and stood with Jelly Bean but eventually had to concede 'defeat' and before we had a 'woman overboard' situation went and found myself a chair inside where I could still see some of the action.  Fibromyalgia is not something I would wish on my worst enemy.  We saw whales rolling, churning up the sand on the seabed whilst scratching their tummies, we could hear them breathing and blowing and even saw a tail slap which was awesome.  The only thing we did not see was a complete breach.  I have to say well done to Southern Right Charters for an excellent tour and outstanding service and staff, just before we headed back to the Harbour they provided ice cold cool drinks, bottled water and crisps.  It was without a doubt a once in a lifetime experience.  HUGE thanks to the dear friends that made it possible.

Folks that was my week, today is rest and recover for me and just time to think back on an awesome experience and the peace we felt.  I wish you all an incredible week, please take time to appreciate the good that life has to offer and stay safe out there.

A Baleen Plate / whale tooth. 2 meters long, they have up 200 - 300.  It looks like a palm frond 

Some pics of whales rolling and just chilling

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