Monday 8 October 2018

Shoo, I am glad last week is history !!!

Good morning everyone from a very bright sunny, windless BB.  After days of the South Easter 'pumping' all of a sudden it is quiet and calm, I can hear the birds singing instead of the windows whistling.  When I look at the south facing windows then I know we are in summer because the wind blows sea spray all over everything hehe.  Yesterday three times we walks out onto the scene, to discover that the dogs igloo kennel had been blown about two meters across the deck.  As I said shoo what a week, I am sincerely glad it is over and pray that this week will be much more peaceful.

After months of battling with a sore knee and Physio BigBear had to go and see a doctor who then promptly sent him for sonars and then an MRI to find out what the problem was.  In a nutshell he has a cyst under the patella and calcification.  Thank the Lord it does not require surgery at this point just special Physio and they will re-evaluate in three months.  As BabyBear leaves for Johannesburg today for the next season of her career which is going to entail a LOT of commuting, we are super glad that the healing process does not involve surgery.

Having overcome that 'speed bump' , on Thursday evening Poppet sent me a photo of her foot which was about three times its normal size.  To back up, when she was in Australia a thorn fell from a tree, point down and went right through her boot into the top of her foot which is what she initially thought was causing the swelling.  But, there was no redness or marks and after much nagging from me and her boyfriend she eventually went to the hospital where they immediately started with a ton of tests.  The upshot of that night was her Blood Pressure was extremely high and the Thyroid medication she takes was not doing what it should be.  Needless to say we have prayed for both of them and are trusting God for a miracle of healing for every situation.  Whewww !!!

All of a sudden my precious Hubby has been inundated with all sorts of jobs in the community from fixing vehicles to building reception furniture so he has been running around like a crazy man, some are completed and the rest should be finished this week.  On top of all this excitement it was his Birthday on Friday and Poppet's Birthday on Wednesday, see what I mean about a crazy week ??
I was kept busy dealing with a flare, keeping the home fires stoked and looking after Cece.  Princess goes back to school tomorrow for the last term of the year and Big Guy needs a six month holiday on a deserted island before he can even catch his breath, never mind catch up on lost sleep.  Jelly Bean had a rough week as well so I truly am praying for this week to be peaceful and quiet.

On Friday evening we met with BigBear and BabyBear in Somerset West for a wonderful,  slow birthday dinner with lots of catch up and chatting which was awesome just to breathe and sit.  Yesterday we spent the afternoon with our friends celebrating birthdays, caching up, enjoying the sun and generally relaxing, thank you D and E for the downtime and spoiling, when it comes to cake making E you are the Queen, thank you both.

Folks I trust you all have a much quieter, less stressful week ahead of you, make the most of your opportunities and never let an opportunity pass to tell and show your loved ones, and those around you just how much you love and appreciate them.  Please take care out there and be safe.

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