Monday 1 October 2018

I can hardly believe it is October...

Good morning all on this first day of October, apart from being a new month it is also a week of birthdays in our family, we really seem to group them up.  We had a very pleasant week weather wise and a fairly warm weekend, then today dawned overcast with a cool wind and rain forecast for later, I have no idea what the weather is doing haha.

Last week was quite busy getting caught up in the house and being back into routine, as well as recovering for JellyBean and I.  On Thursday my dearest Hubby woke up with the dreaded 'tummy bug' and so he had a couple of very quiet days and is much better now. I am struggling through a Fibro flare at the moment which is kind of expected after my trip and then not being well, this too shall pass.  I have not done any crafting and very little baking as a result but will get back into things shortly.

Sadly #cece_the_blind_kitten is not responding as we had hoped on the medication.  There was an initial improvement for the first week or so and then last week she started circling all the time and her aggression level has increased again.  We were told it take four to six weeks to see proper effects to will push on but at this point it is not looking promising, I can only pray that something will click in her brain, as the last thing I want to do is to make the decision to have her put down.  Currently she is only calm and happy when she is asleep or eating and even her sleep pattern has changed in that she does not sleep as long as she used to. #myheartissore

This week is Poppet's birthday and Hubby two days later so a special week for us as a family.  Everyone is doing well, all the usual challenges that life throws at us are being conquered.  BabyBear is preparing for her semi-location to Johannesburg, BigBear is seeing a specialist for a sore knee.  Big Guy needs a holiday and three weeks of solid sleep and rest  :).  Poppet and Princess are loving their new routine as a result of the new job and are sounding much more relaxed.  Princess is on school holidays this week, Poppet has her birthday on Wednesday and then her boyfriend arrives for a ten day visit on Thursday, so a big week for them.  We on the other hand are planning for Hubby's birthday and hopefully a normal, healthy, pain free week.

Everyone I seem to speak to is going through hardship in so many different areas, mainly financial and I would like to just encourage you all with this.  Even though it seems interminable and you can't see light at the end of the tunnel, it will turn around and you will enter a new season.  I really can speak from experience that no matter what hardship/challenge you are facing, it will end and turn around.  People would say to me that God never allows you to go through something you can't handle and I would get so angry thinking hadn't I proved I was strong enough, yet, out of each battle I fought I emerged stronger, wiser and with more empathy for others.  God says in His Word in Psalm 37 v 25 I have been young and now I am old, yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken , nor his seed begging for bread.  In Deuteonomy 31 v 6. He says - Be strong and courageous.  Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, the the Lord Your God goes with you;  " He will never leave you nor forsake you."  We were never promised a life of ease and never a challenge BUT, God always makes a way for us IF we put Him first and allow Him to work in our lives.  These are just two of  many scriptures to hold onto in the tough times, whether it be health, relationships, financial, work, children, whatever it is you are going through God can and will carry you through if you allow Him to, you just need to hand over the reigns of trying to figure it out and rather listen to what He is trying to tell you, it's most often that still small voice that shows us the way forward or strengthens us to keep on standing though the storm.  Don't give up friends, every season has a start and a finish and if you are in the middle, know this ........ It will end.

On that note I am going to say Ciao Ciao for now and pray that you have a wonderful week of victory and success, please stay safe and always be aware of at is going on around you.

My precious floofy cuddle bunny -Jasper.

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