Monday 22 October 2018

A series of unfortunate events

Good morning everyone wherever you are, I hope today's Blog finds you all well and looking forward to a brand new week.  I for one am definitely looking forward to this week being totally different to the one that has just passed.  Good grief what a week !!!

Let me start at the very beginning haha,  after I finished last weeks Blog I got busy with all the normal day to day tasks, one of which included the mundane task of washing and drying my hair.  For those who know me I have incredibly thick hair (which is just as well ),  as I was busy blow drying said 'mop' my precious Hubby came into the house to tell me all about a particular watch he was working on.  I was listening to him, obviously with great concentration and the next minute his eyes grew big and he said "your hair is burning" - I was so intent on listening I had stopped moving the hairdryer and the hairbrush, the result was I had completely burnt off a chunk of hair (at the back) of about 7cm long and a good 'healthy' chunk, certainly on anyone with thin and fine hair it would have required a brand new short cropped hairstyle.  I was absolutely devastated and after looking stricken he LAUGHED !!!!!!!   Needless to say it took me a good few hours to recover my equilibrium and although I can feel the difference in terms of thickness, it is not noticeable mostly thanks to a layered hairstyle. Strike one.

Next, on Tuesday I decided that bread, rusks and muffins were on the agenda.  I duly switched on the oven, mixed all three batches in the order they needed to rise and cook and as I opened the oven to put the muffins in I discovered it was ice cold.   Slight panic as by now all three huge batches were in various stages of rising and being ready.  Much fiddling and we discovered that as long as the Thermofan function wasn't on and the oven was on just a normal setting it reached the required temperature.  Did it end there ?  Of course not, why should it ?  I baked the muffins, then the  pot bread, which had risen so high it was pushing the lid up.  All went well and after producing a mountain sized loaf of bread I happily and tiredly put the rusks in ......... Twenty minutes later I could smell rusks which was about forty minutes too early, I had forgotten to turn the oven down when taking the bread out.  Thank the Lord major disaster was avoided, I turned the heat down dramatically and the rusks were saved and delicious.  Strike two and an exhausted woman.

On Wednesday we took a trip through to Cape Town where my clever Hubby bought all the parts he needed for the collection of watches he has in for repair, Jelly Bean and I went off to browse a book shop and then we met up with BigBear for a delicious lunch at a place called Mojo Market.  It was such a wonderful treat to be out and spend time with him, a good catch up well appreciated and much needed.

Thursday passed without event and I tried to regain some energy.  On Friday we did all the normal weekly household chores, I put the washing on, we cleaned, did grocery shopping etc.  Hubby then got an email saying that a 'robot cleaner'  he had ordered in JULY had arrived in Gordons Bay.  This parcel disappeared into the netherworld once it arrived in South Africa and we had just about given up on it.  Thinking quickly we asked friends who were in town if they would collect it for us, which they very kindly agreed to.  At about 5.30 pm I got up to bring the washing in, only to realize that I had never taken it out of the washing machine #facepalm, seriously ???????? what else ?  I flew into action and  hung it onto the clothes horse feeling somewhat embarrassed, frustrated and just plain exhausted.  Strike three!!  Later on the 'robot cleaner' arrived and ........ Oh my soul ......... We got scammed good and proper.  It is half the size it was supposed  to be, not the make that was advertised, just a total scam.  It works well enough under the beds and under low furniture, but that is about the sum of it.  A total scam especially when we looked into it a bit furthe and found many others have been scammed on the same thing.  STRIKE FOUR!

If one does not laugh then one would just give up and bury one's head DEEP in the ground.  What can I say, it was 'one of those weeks'.  On Sarurday we managed a normal day, Hubby went to help D put up a wooden gate on their deck to keep Pupster in, I cooked a massive pot of Breyani which I took around later and we enjoyed a quiet (not really as the South Easter has been howling for days) meal
overlooking the sea and some good company.  Yesterday we did absolutely nothing and re-charged our batteries, sort of hahahaha.

Well folks, that was my week, I sincerely trust yours was miles better.  Here is looking forward to a spectacular week for all.  I wish you and yours health and lots of laughter this week, turn lemons into lemonade and above  please stay safe and aware out there.  From me to you Ciao Ciao for now.

My monster pot bread hahaha

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