Monday 25 June 2018

Loving winter, hot fires and rain on the roof.

Greetings everyone from a beautiful, cool and cloudy Bettys Bay.  Winter has definitely arrived in the Cape and with it much rejoicing from pretty much everyone.  Winter is our rainfall season and we are having beautiful rain, the dams are filling up nicely although there is still a long way to go before water restrictions can be lifted.  Currently we are making a fire every day which I love as well as the cats, Gemma in particular has taken to lying next to the wood burner and when it gets too hot she then shifts behind it hehe but our 'old' lady knows where her warmth comes from.

Well Jelly Bean has three shifts left and on Friday will be finished and can then move onto her next exciting phase.  I think it is sort of bitter sweet for her as she has made really good friends and will be sad at not seeing them on a daily basis but, the reduction of stress for her will be amazing.  Princess has finished her second term of High School and is now on her winter break, a well deserved rest I am sure.  It is Miss Muffet's birthday today, next year is the big one gorgeous :) happy, happy birthday from us all, we are looking forward to chatting later on.  The rest of the family are all well and flourishing.

This past week has been a bit of up and down really, we lowered#cece-the-blind-kitten's medication in an effort to reduce her circling and meltdowns, which has not worked at all, if anything I would say she is more agitated.  I follow a lady on Facebook who also has a blind, brain damaged kitten and this morning messaged her asking for advice.  She is amazing and has offered so much advice which I am going to take back to our Vet this afternoon and am praying we can move forward from there.  Pupster  has learnt to open the glass door that goes out onto the deck and gets quite excited when it comes to breakfast and dinner time, he will rush in and then when Hubby goes out he finds himself on the wrong side of the door and has to then wait to go out and eat hahaha.  I can say this, our house is a regular circus, between Cece, Pupster, Jasper who has to terrorize everyone all the time, Sasha whose winter jacket seems to come off and then slides down around her hips while she merrily runs around or dances for food, to Max and Gemma the 'oldies' who think the rest are crazy and far too irritating, there is never a dull moment.

Even though I am still fighting a Fibromyalgia flare I managed to dust off my baking skills and made Ciabatta Bread, buttermilk rusks and yesterday some gluten free biscotti, so the tins are full but that doesn't last long here  #facepalm.  When I can manage to do something like that I feel I have a accomplished something and in turn don't feel quite so 'guilty' for having to rest.  My dearest Hubby spent a lot of time last week working on Jelly Bean's car, the brake shoes and wheel bearings at the back suddenly decided enough was enough and they were not going to do duty for the last two weeks of work.

Folks, just a brief update on our week, I wish you all a happy, productive week and please stay safe out there.  Remember, tomorrow is not guaranteed it is a blessing, so never miss an opportunity to encourage someone or tell them you love and appreciate them.  Ciao ciao for now.

One of my favourite views on the way into town.

Tada..... Ciabatta bread. :)

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