Friday 2 September 2016

Apparently it is Spring

And the weeks just keep flying past, I can hardly believe we are into September already which means it is spring here in South Africa although the Cape has not yet received that notice. It is cold with driving rain and has been so for most of the week, please understand I am by no means complaining I am nowhere ready for summer and the heat. We have been here for a month and in some ways it feels like forever. I trust you have all had a good week and if it wasn't that good I hope you made Lemonade out of the lemons.

Due to the weather we mainly worked on indoor projects which means that slowly, slowly our home is taking shape. The bedroom cupboards are now complete (what a clever Hubby I have), arm covers for the sofas are made, blinds up etc. All in all a successful week even if we did not get to do much exploring, it is a little challenging in the rain and heavy mist haha, thankfully there are more than enough to things for us to do at home. Just to add a little excitement to our lives, not even four hours after my last Blog telling you how Max hadn't found an new escape route - he found one. Instead of going under the fence he found a way over it. So now Hubby dearest has to go back along the entire length of the fence and make it higher, can you believe it ? As if that was not enough the other night we were sitting in the lounge and the next thing Kiko started climbing the wall (literally) to get up to the top windows ........... As we watched she hung there then started losing her grip and down she came, I was expecting everything to come down with her but she twisted and kind of half landed / half launched herself from the fridge to the floor. Small she may be but oh my word is she feisty and adventurous. Yesterday we let her and Gemma out into the garden for awhile under supervision which they absolutely loved, so as the rain clears we will continue with the widening of their boundaries. To top off all these goings on during a tea time break yesterday Hubby and I were minding our own business when all of a sudden there was a huge commotion in the chimney as some silly rock pigeon lost his balance on the outside of the chimney and fell in. With much scrabbling and trying to stop his fall he eventually landed with a thump right in the fireplace, thankfully no fire at the time. It took a few seconds for him to get his equilibrium back and then a good few minutes for us to usher him out through the front door, as I've said before, never a dull moment in this household. On the animal front, I may have mentioned that there is a little Mongoose who races up the side of our house at least once a day, we also have numerous species of bird life here but this morning was a treat for me, as we pulled out of the driveway I saw a buck racing across the road and into the Fynbos, so fast and yet so graceful. We are just so blessed to live in this gorgeous village.

We did have cause for great rejoicing this past weekend when we received the news that our house in Hilton which has been on the market for about eighteen months is sold with the necessary finances approved for the purchasers. We accepted and signed their offer about two weeks ago but they had to apply for a Bond which has been approved and now things are moving along very quickly on that side. This was one of the really big things we needed to come into line for our retirement and just one more confirmation that we are exactly where God wants us. We have had that house for eight years and every year said maybe this year we can retire, it just never happened. The moment we made the decision to come to Betty's Bay everything fell into line and has continued to do so, what a Mighty God we serve. Whatever you are standing in faith for - God has heard your prayers and will come through for you, don't give up friends, keep on praying and thanking God for His will to be done.

Talking about waiting, I am STILL waiting for my contact lenses to arrive. It has now been more than two months and they should be delivered this afternoon. I understand that they were specially made for me but good grief two months? I will have to start the whole 'wearing in' period because it has been so long and will admit to being just a little nervous but more than all that I am so excited to eventually be getting them. To put it mildly I am not fond of wearing glasses even though everyone tells me they look nice, I feel much more confident when I wear contact lenses not to mention they don't 'mist up' when you open the oven and your eyes don't water when you cut onions, so there are just another two good reasons not to wear glasses. I am really hoping that I will see as clearly if not better than I see at the moment.

Now that I have rambled on about the 'excitement' that is our life in retirement, I am going to close off this week by wishing you the absolute very best of weekends. Wherever you may be in this world I hope it is not too hot or too cold, enjoy whatever you have planned and as always, please be safe.

Kiko climbing the wall

Gemma exploring the garden

Kiko - what's this Mom ?

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