Friday 16 September 2016

Wild weather weekend...

HI folks, yep that's what the weather forecast is for this weekend a 'Wild weather weekend' with flood and snow alerts having been announced and not just for the Western Cape but apparently most of the country. It started raining here at about 1am and has just let up a tiny bit whilst the sea is grey and rough, it is also pretty cold which I think those up country will enjoy for a change. So it looks like an 'indoorsy' weekend for the most part, although that's no problem there are SO many things to do. Right now I have a batch of rusks in the oven (new recipe) in an attempt to find the perfect risk for my family, Hubby dearest is in for a surprise because with the last batch he complained that I cut them too small, I fear these are too big after having peeped through the oven door, oh well maybe they will last longer. IF they turn out well I will post a photo on the next Blog.

What a busy week but then when is it not? Quite the busy bee have I been with a number of sewing and domestic projects, anyone who knows me will know that I much prefer knitting to sewing but I seem to be doing a LOT of sewing at the moment. During the week I got a bee in my bonnet about a beautiful duvet cover we bought a number of years ago (a gift from BigBear) it is pure cotton, white Anglaise but for some unfathomable reason we purchased the wrong size and could not figure out why the duvet always folded over in that cover and not in others - I know sometimes it just takes a while for the penny to drop. Having not used it for a couple of years I dug it out this week and decided for better or for worse I was going to alter it, hmmm it sounded easier in my head. After much thought and debate I tackled the project yesterday and although it took a long time we are delighted with the results. In a nutshell what I did was unpick the top end of the cover and using an old white cotton sheet added in a 40cm strip, which when all sewn up added the extra 20cm we needed, I also managed to include / add on the border frill. If no one pointed it out you would not even realize that there is an addition and so voila we now have an extra, really classy, vintage looking duvet cover. Please as punch I am. This success has led me to recovering a cushion for said bed to just add a spark of whimsy and colour, although that will be tomorrow's project.

We also had what could be called a major flood this week and cannot blame the weather for it. There is a bit of a 'system' required regarding our washing machine as the only place to put it is in Jelly Bean's bathroom and the outlet pipe hangs into the bath. All well and good. After a couple of mini floods when we first moved in Hubby put a hook on the side of the machine to keep the pipe in place which works very well, except that in order to bath the pipe gets moved out of the way. Well. ......... you can guess what happened ...... yes it was me and I forgot to replace the pipe. Next morning went and put a huge wash load in and left, about 30mins later Jelly Bean exploded out of the room looking frantic, she had been sitting at her desk and suddenly felt wet under her feet. At least two thirds of her room was under water and it took the three of us with mops, buckets, towels and eventually the big vacuum cleaner which sucks water about 45 mins to get it dried out. The mop bucket was emptied twice as was the vacuum cleaner needless to say her floors are very clean and I now triple check the pipe. Aarrgghhhh slosh slosh is no fun unless it's at the beach.

These are just some of the games we get up to excluding chasing after escaped dogs, trying to entice an adventurous kitten back over to our side of the fence. It amazes me that they can get through or over the fence and then have no idea how to get back, that particular little adventure involved me keeping her busy through the fence with a feather duster while Hubby went around the block to said house and burrowed through the bushes to get her and pass her over. I am sure if there were movie cameras our lives would make entertaining viewing.

In addition to all of the normal shenanigans for some reason I have had a particularly rough week health wise but am trying to keep as active as possible because I refuse to let Fibromyalgia control my life. One of the 'tricks' I've learnt (and have not done for ages) which helps with general body pain and aches is to take a 20 min HOT bath into which you add : one cup of Bicarbonate of Soda, a handful of Epsom Salts and 10 drops of Lavender Essential oil. This combo definitely eases some of the pain as well as being very relaxing. Definitely on my agenda for this evening.

Well friends, the rusks are cooling down prior to being pulled apart and put back in the oven and I am cautiously delighted to say that so far they look wonderful, and big. I will keep you updated. Here is wishing you and yours a fabulous weekend wherever you are and for those in South Africa stay warm and dry and always, please stay safe.

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