Monday 23 August 2021

Round One

Happy Monday everyone I hope today's Blog finds you all well and ready for another week. Weather wise it has been a nice week although I've read that we are all in for a humdinger of a week with rain, snow, gales and every other imaginable word that goes with cold and wet 😁. Wow....... this past week has been a roller coaster emotionally and in terms of going backwards and forwards, I am not ashamed to say I am exhausted. It kind of all started with my Dr follow up appointment on Tuesday, as I walked into the consulting rooms I quickly glanced at a message on my phone from a dear friend who wanted to know if I was ok as she had been praying for me all morning, the minute I saw it I knew things were about to go pear shaped. When the Dr ushered us into the office I could see on her face that she was not sure how to begin, she had just made a call to the Pathologist and was still trying to assimilate the news. The Pathology, after six days of testing and dissecting had come back as positive for cancer and three of the four margins were compromised, this took all of us by total surprise especially the medical team (Radiologist, Surgeon and Pathologist) they had been. convinced that it was not cancer and at the worst pre-cancerous. All I can say I had an overwhelming sense of peace as I tried to take in all she was saying about the road ahead, she did a wound check and is very happy that all is going well there. We decided that a Mastectomy is best way forward with a reconstruction, now the ball is rolling and gathering momentum all the time. An appointment was made with the Plastic Surgeon whom we saw on Friday and again I did my best to take It all in as well as ask questions which I had written down, basically he went through all the different surgical and reconstructive options that are available to me explaining the pros and cons of each one. Through all this I have had a peace in my heart that God is well and truly in control - I did have an emotional melt down on Thursday morning, for those first few moments after you wake up everything feels normal and then whammm it all comes back to you. The prognosis is that : A. I am in God's Hands. B. We caught it early. C. It is small. D. It is 100% treatable and. E. It is a slow cell division cancer . This week will be an MRI on Thursday because of the family history, the way it snuck past everyone and to confirm that the left breast is clear, once this has been done then the wheels will kick into a higher gear, dates and final decisions will be made. I am strong and totally committed to beating this and being cancer free and I give thanks to my Heavenly Father for my wonderful family, friends and an incredible medical team. Because we travelled this exact road before with Poppet ten years ago I am under no illusions that it will be a walk in the park and she is being an absolute rock with answering questions and giving me tips on coping etc, she will also being going with me to the upcoming appointments to ask questions and remember what I forget. There is one thing that I have noticed this last week and that is, many people do not know what to say or how to respond and can be very blunt (one 'friends' first words were to tell me to have a Hysterectomy and tell me about two people she knew who died) seriously ?? Or, in not knowing what to say a person tries to make light of it. At the risk of sounding 'ungrateful or offensive' - when you hear this type of news, if you don't know what to say rather just say "I'm so sorry" don't offer advice or a million suggestions of what you would do, you are not that person and please God you never find yourself in a similar position, but you have NO clue what you would do until it happens to you. Every person is different and I cannot speak for or tell anyone else what decisions they should make with their body in a situation like this. I do have moments of feeling very emotional but I refuse to go down 'Why Me Avenue' or 'What Did I Do to Deserve This Lane', right now I don't have that luxury, right now I am in a fight the likes of which I have never fought before and all my strength, faith and concentration is on getting through each Surgery, each step successfully, to the point where I can stand up and say 'Praise God I am cancer free'! This journey will become part of my Blog as I go through it in the hopes that if it can help one other person to fight and win the battle then it has been worth it. Onto to happier things, on Tuesday whilst we were out Charlie was so stressed that he chewed his way through the wire fence and squeezed himself through the palisade fence (about 6 cm) to try and find me, when we turned into the road there he was waiting, for a day or two his ribs were sore from that little escapade 🤦🏻‍♀️, I believe he senses there is stuff going on and rarely leaves my side. Jasper on the other hand last night attacked me visciously for the third time in the last two weeks for no apparent reason 🤷🏻‍♀️, who knows what goes on in their heads. The family are well Big Guy went away for the weekend to the bush which I think was a pefect prescription for him, to get away from everything and all the busyness, right now I so wish he was down here as well. As it is a real birthday week in our family Poppet hosted the most wonderful lunch yesterday with incredible birthday cake and treats for myself, BabyBear and BigBear. It is the first birthday in five years we were able to share with her and Princess and we made it a real celebration of life and family, I am so very, very blessed. I was given the gift of my dreams and feel humbled at being so spoilt, thank you ALL of you for everything you do and are. The only person who accomplished and finished any projects this week was my Hubby who just steadily gets on with it, shout out to Jelly Bean who has picked up the load of housework, food etc and has been invaluable to me in every way. Hopefully soon I will be back at the assembly line of projects and creating things. I would like to wish you all a wonderful week, please take time to look after yourself and your health - please don't ignore those annual medical check ups and, stay safe and well. With much love and appreciation to each one of you for your readership and support Ciao Ciao . Birthday celebrations

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