Monday 2 August 2021

Cakes, Igloos and umbrellas

Greetings friends and family on this lovely winter/spring/ not sure what it is Monday, that is just how confused our weather is. One day we will be wrapped up, fire going and the next it feels like spring - makes my head spin I tell you 🤷🏻‍♀️. Well, quite a busy week, starting and completing a couple of projects, I even got a couple of curtains washed, getting them dry was another matter haha. Despite being tested positive for Covid last Friday the only 'symptoms' if they are in fact symptoms I've had have been a slight sore throat and a piercing headache (these are part of Fibromyalgia as well) so who knows. Hubby and I were talking the other day and I said that I that what has contributed to me not getting sick or having worse symptoms is loads of prayers, faith and the fact that my GP has me on a huge regimen of supplements and vitamins, which the Surgeon added to with my positive test result. I am surprised there is room in my tummy for food with all the capsules and pills 😄. The biggest thing is I am well , still isolating and surgery is scheduled for the 10th August, now just to get there hehe. A couple of weeks ago I eventually found a pattern for a Cat Igloo that I have been looking for, for the last five years, the original was in Russian. Once I found it the Tyarn was ordered immediately, I taught myself to read a crochet pattern and after undoing the igloo five or six times because it was too big or too small which meant I had to fiddle and adjust the pattern, i then finally managed to produce a proper Kitty Igloo. When we put it on the table Zeepha didn't hesitate to jump right in and absolutely loves being in it. I have an order for two more so am on the hunt for more Tyarn. Apparently most of the available stock has gone to Natal to restock businesses that were affected by the riots two weeks ago. Right now I am about to finish a shrug I've been making for Jelly Bean - 5 rows to go. This wool was originally knitted into an Aran cardigan which I unraveled and repurposed 😄. Inspiration struck on Tuesday and I made a vanilla cake, it was a new recipe which I followed to the letter and produced THE best cake I've ever made. Jelly Bean dug out a tupperware cake container while the icing was being made and later on we unveiled a masterpiece. Ta daa ..... it was delicious ..... but whilst eating I tasted something I couldn't put my finger on and kept quiet cos the others were loving it. Next day the taste was all over the icing 🤔, Jelly Bean figured it out, there was a sealed bag of Ariel washing powder in the upturned container. The smell literally permeated the plastic and we had a magnificent vanilla, ariel flavoured cake 🤫🤭. Despite all my efforts the container still smells of ariel soap powder 😂 With being in isolation Hubby has managed to get quite a bit of the finishing off / fiddly bits done on the deck along with his watches and clocks. We have had some funny moments where something needed to be collected and we arranged for payment and then the article was tossed through the car window, including meds from the chemist haha, I put it down to the fact that we are in a small community. I had to receive and hand over a packet to friends which was done when I saw a new purpose for an umbrella handle. It makes a perfect hook to lift something over the 2 meter gate and back again 😂. The same friends who did the drop off of some groceries from Woolworths then stood back from said gate and we caught up on 18 months of news and chatter, that was really special. I had thought that a table could be placed on the other side of the gate with a thermos of coffee and 2 chairs either side for a nice coffee time, didn't go that far though 😉 The rest of the family are all doing very well and working hard, overcoming challenges and seeing results to prayer and hard work. We are missing them all so very much, it seems like it's been forever since we've seen them, it hasn't but that's how it feels. I miss their hugs - my family give THE best hugs ever. We even managed to celebrate our 14th wedding anniversary on Wednesday, no romantic date night but we did order take out and all three of us thoroughly enjoyed the treat. My little chunky monkey Charlie has lost a whole 200gm in the last two weeks after suddenly and mysteriously gaining 1.5 kgs 🤷🏻‍♀️, also thank the Lord that the pills the Vet prescribed for his itchy feet are working..... yaaay. All the other pets are doing well, even old man Max who gets quite doddery and confused at times. Yesterday I did a quick vacuum which Jasper dislikes and he hid behind the rubbish bin, Hubby then went and emptied the bin which caused braveheart a.k.a. Jasper to disappear altogether. A few minutes Jelly Bean saw him and took the picture below when he summoned the courage to look and see if the coast was clear 🤣🤣🤣. This week holds the prospect of stocking up the biscuit tins and I am not sure which new project, perhaps I can get some reading done 🤔. I pray that you have a good week, please take time to spread some love and kindness to those you come in contact with, there are so many, many hurting people out there fighting battles we have no knowledge of, one kind word or positive affirmation can turn a persons whole life around. Stay well and safe folks Ciao Ciao. 
Jasper checking if its safe to come out from behind the microwave
The Ariel cake
Kitty Igloo

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