Monday 13 May 2019

A strange week for sure.

Good morning folks from a blustery, chilly BB,  as I type today's Blog my dearest Hubby and I are sitting here alone because Jelly Bean has gone to visit BigBear for the week, she is the quietest person I know and yet the house feels quiet and empty hehe.

Well, quite a busy week last week with various things that needed doing and a couple of trips into Kleinmond for one thing or another, it's strange how some weeks are just like that.  On the flip side to that I spent most of my time lying on the sofa trying to get my back out of spasm, mostly it was just too sore to sit for any length of time, happily it is now measurably better -  great fun!  Weather wise it a week of total contrasts, we went from absolutely enormous, rough seas to one day where the ocean was so still it looked like a painting.  The temperatures  also swung between making a fire every night to almost summery days.   On Wednesday, Voting Day it was absolutely freezing, windy and wet.  We got all ready and got ourselves up to the Hall to be surprised at the length of the queue, given that it was raining and I could not stand for long we beetles off back home and went up later in the afternoon where we were in and out in 20 minutes.  I found that it was a really strange week,  it seemed very long and completely disjointed.

Today we are back to normal with my precious Hubby still busy with the two clocks, both of which need parts, which of course are not available anywhere here or overseas, never without a plan he has painstakingly rebuilt the one part and will test it out today before moving onto the other, so watch this space. Yesterday we went through to Sea Point  to have a special Mothers Day Lunch with our Bears.  It was fantastic seeing BabyBear again, we haven't seen her since New Years Day with all all her travelling back and forth and it was just awesome being together and having a delicious meal and some really good catch up.  Thanks for the spoils guys and a special afternoon.  I was also thoroughly blessed with calls and messages from the rest of the family so I am feeling thoroughly loved and blessed.  Love you all family, each one of you is incredibly special and unique and I am blessed and honoured to be your Mom.

Folks that's about it for this week, the wind is howling and it is an overcast day so I foresee some good reading time in my immediate future.  I wish you all a wonderful week and in closing I would just like to leave you with this encouragement.  Irrespective of what life throws at you ( and it loves to throw curves and rocks) , even though you may be feeling like you have reached the bottom of the barrel or feeling that you are an island amongst humanity,  there is and always will be an upswing in your circumstances.  Never loose the will to fight for what you deserve because you alone hold the ability to follow your heart, to make decisions that will change your circumstances.  No one has ever said that it will be easy but I can assure you that it will be worth it - the biggest step is making the decision in your heart and mind, then following through with it.  You deserve the absolute very best that God has for you.  Ciao ciao and please  stay safe.

Two pics of the ocean from last week.  Both taken from our deck.

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