Monday 3 September 2018

Spring is here, or is supposed to be

Good morning folks on this first Monday of Spring, I trust you are all well and ready to embrace the new week before us.  I have absolutely no illusions that this week is going to be quiet, it is set to be incredibly busy.  Last week was fairly busy, maybe it was a practise run haha.

Our dear friends are returning from four months in Europe which means the Pupster will be going home and we are going to sort out as much as we can for them tomorrow and Wednesday before they land.  While one of us goes through to the airport the other will be at the house with a bouncing teenaged puppy awaiting his Mommy and Daddy's return, I am sure that if he understood he would start walking now.

Last week was of a different rhythm altogether.   After having had a 'niggly' back for a couple of days,  on Tuesday after my precious Hubby left to go and play golf in Darling, along the West Coast, I pulled the duvet and landed flat on my face on the bed as the spasm knocked my legs out from beneath me.  In retrospect it was quite funny if it hadn't been so sore, even Poppet laughed when I told her.  This 'trend' continued for the next two days, at almost every thing I did I found myself face to face with some strange surfaces,  anyway I went to the clinic and she gave me a big three-in-one injection which helped enormously, for a day LOL.  Next it was off to the Physio, who is blind but incredibly good.  It is improving but taking a lot longer than it has in the past #sadface, I have just come back from a second session with him and am now glued to my heating pad.

We are waiting for the new meds for  #cece_the_blind_kitten to arrive, the Vet has prescribed 'Kitty Prozac' for her which should arrive this week and I am hoping I can get her settled on it before I fly up to Pretoria so that Hubby and JellyBean won't have too hard a time with her.  On the Pretoria side all Poppet's visas are through and her tickets are booked, so she is officially off to Australia for a week, lucky girl.  This means that Princess and I will be left to our own devices while she is away, I am looking forward to spending time with that beautiful grand-daughter of mine as well as seeing Poppet and Big Guy.  On the CT side of the family there has been big developments as BabyBear has been transferred within her company to a completely different position, based in Johannesburg.  This is going to be a challenge for both of them as they commute backwards and forwards, but they have  about it and because of who they are, they will make it work.

I cannot say that Spring has actually arrived, maybe I'm in denial that winter is coming to an end.  There is very cold, wet, snowy weather forecast for this week and I am holding onto the fact that our true summer doesn't really start until end October or there about.  Having said that and just put washing on the line I have one eye glued to the mountain keeping an eye on those big black clouds.  Yesterday while I was filling the kettle I saw the most exquisite little bird, it was a Yellow Bishop - the blackest black with bright yellow stripes in his wings and on his back.  It is one of the delights of my day when I stand in the kitchen and watch the huge variety of birds we have coming to feed.

Folks, not the most exciting of weeks as far as news is concerned, but I am quite convinced that the next few days will be more than enough to keep us busy and entertained.  I wish you all a blessed week, make the most of all the opportunities that come your way and, when things aren't going according to plan take a few minutes to add up all your blessings.  It is so easy to focus on the negative and feel sorry for ourselves that we then completely overlook all our blessings - our families, friends, the roof over our heads, our health, the food on the table, maybe you did something you've never done before, achievements, the list goes on and on when you sit down and start thinking about it.  Until next week Ciao Ciao and please stay safe and aware out there.

One of the smaller waterfalls behind us

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