Monday 17 September 2018

Coming to you from Pretoria

Good afternoon one and all, I trust everyone is well.  Today's Blog is coming from a squelching hot Pretoria,  it is 34c outside #verysadface.  Wow ok where to start ...... We had a fairly busy week what with one thing and another, also there always seems to be so much to do before going away.  We also managed a couple of visits with our friends back from Europe and Pupster has been to visit a couple of times. He loves running around our garden, and has actually run a path around the house haha.  Happily  #cece_the_blind_kitten appears to be responding well to her new medication, I have not lost any skin or shed any blood for five days which is a record given her recent track record. We continue to pray that as every dose is absorbed so she will improve, at the moment my ever patient Hubby is looking after her and ALL the other 'zoo' members and doing a wonderful job.  Thank you my Darling!

On Friday Poppet flew out to Sydney, Australia for her week of training and even managed to do a little sight seeing.  Today was her first day at the office and it went very well although she is absolutely exhausted.  Yesterday I flew out from Cape Town at 9.30 am and Jelly Bean went to spend a few days with BigBear and BabyBear, so my precious Hubby is having a few days of 'me' time and I believe he is really missing us both.  He will collect Jelly Bean on Thursday as the 'Bears' are driving to the Karoo to have a weekend with family on a Game Farm, enjoy guys and please drive safely.  Big Guy met me at the airport bless his heart, after only having three hours sleep, he is such a trooper.  Just before I took off I heard that Princess had been up the entire night and was really not well.  We came through and collected a very pale and sad Poppet, unable to keep even basic liquid down, brought her home and she had a bath before insisting that she go with us to lunch.  Shame, poor little thing just sat there looking green and taking tiny sips of water.  Big Guy took us to Old Italy which is a glorious restaurant and the food was truly something else.  I could have spent an absolute fortune there on all the amazing Italian products they sell, we didn't stay very long as Princess really was not good and he was totally exhausted (I do not know how he copes with doing these twenty four hour doubles - hats off to you son).  Not long after we got home the friends Princess had stayed with called and I took her back as B's dad is a Doctor, he looked her
over, gave us some meds and I brought her back where she promptly fell asleep and slept right through til about 9.30 this morning.  She is still very nauseous but definitely looking better than yesterday, the nest step is to try and get some food into her.  We managed a quick chat with Poppet and got her laughing before I dashed off to the supermarket to stock up on some basics and anything I could think of that will stay down.  Hopefully tomorrow she will be back at school and back to her normal bubbly self.  I have managed a chat with Jelly Bean and my Hubby so feeling a little more connected but missing them all. Also thanks to me being so busy and I think the flight, I am super sore so we are just going to relax today and recover.

Folks as you can see I am having a super busy day and to that end I am going to say Ciao Ciao for this week.  I wish you all a wonderful week, go out and spread some love and kindness as you get your week underway.  Please stay safe and always be aware of your surroundings.

My companion since I've been here - introducing Boude!

Cece in a peaceful moment.

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