Monday 16 October 2017

A blustery, cold and wet day

Greetings from a cold, wet and blustery Bettys Bay, having said that I can imagine some of you wondering how on earth we are in the middle of the worst drought in decades and yet I always seem to be saying it is raining. For some reason because of how we are situated geographically we get a lot more rain than Cape Town, we ALWAYS have lower temperatures than the other side of the mountain, we also get our water from a dam that only supplies our four little villages. Cape Town on the other hand has just released statistics that unless things change drastically they will run out of water completely by March of 2018. I am not going to go into how this has been allowed to happen as that will undoubtedly take a nasty political turn. At the moment they have and are introducing lower regulated water pressures, water shedding in some places, public swimming baths have been closed and continual pleas for residents to use less than 80 litres of water per person, per day. The hotels and B & B's have taken measures where guests are concerned to remove plugs fron baths and basins, timers on shower taps etc, it all seems so crazy considering that this part of the Province is surrounded by ocean on three sides. Plans to build a de-salination plant have been drawn but it will take at least 18 months to complete and considering that the Cape is one of if not South Africa's biggest tourist attractions, with December and the summer coming up there is much, very warranted concern. Our beautiful Province needs a miracle desperately.

As I write today's Blog my precious Hubby is 1300 kilometres away in Gauteng. We have a caravan which we left there in order to sell which has not happened and so he and a friend of ours left here yesterday morning at 4am driving straight through, he arrived at Poppets house last night just after 7 pm. Two exhausted men given the fact that a couple of hours out of Johannesburg the car seemed to be shaking, by looking out of the windows were able to see that the one tyre had a problem. They stopped and discovered that it had a 'bubble' on the underside of the tyre tread and not on the sidewall as it usually happens, so they stopped and changed to the spare to complete the journey. It was only the Lord who kept it from bursting and the many prayers for their safety and protection. Today Hubby dearest is collecting the caravan, making sure everything is perfect, purchasing a new tyre and they will leave tomorrow morning at 4am again to return home. Princess messaged me last night to say, "I am sure Dad's ears are sore because Princess did not stop talking for one second." Shame, on Saturday whilst we were discussing the December holidays and how long it's been since we saw each other she said "Granny I can't do 'this' another year, I HAVE to see you more often". Bless her heart, I feel exactly the same. Yesterday our eldest Grandson (6) in the UK took a tumble off a skate board, so he is sitting with a nasty graze on his nose, Oh the joys of raising kids.

Last week I managed, can you believe it - to bake bread, rusks and get all my other piled up chores completed. I obviously never learn though, because I was feeling great I ploughed through and did everything in one day, not the best idea I've ever had, as I am still paying the price. Well, at least I got it ALL done.

Friends I truly value and appreciate each and every one of you for your support, and encouragement and prayers, you folks are stars. As you enter into this week may it be with a heart full of peace and expectancy, wisdom for every situation you are faced with and a joy that knows no bounds. Please stay safe wherever you are and keep up the good fight.

A breathtaking sunset last week over the mountain behind us.

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