Monday 8 May 2017

Do we see the beauty around us ?

Hi all I hope this finds you rested and ready for the new week, I must be honest and say that for some reason I have had the days all muddled up over the weekend, you know when Sunday doesn't feel like Sunday? It has been a lovely cool weekend with a few very light showers but mostly I am just loving the cooler weather. Hubby dearest has gone to play nine holes of golf with a friend (his first game in a few years) and I've just completed the weeks baking, this time I divided it up over two days with a 'rest' day in between. I have just made Gluten Free rusks and cannot wait for them to finish drying out to see how they taste, the first baked product tasted awesome. This gluten free baking is a challenge and for me the biggest challenge is in baking, so here is holding thumbs. About two weeks ago Big Guy asked whether I could try making normal (flour) Coconut Rusks which is what I did on Saturday by just adding the coconut to my existing recipe and they got the thumbs up from my expert taste tester - Hubby, so I will have to organize a 'mom' parcel up to Johannesburg for the three of them.

Speaking of Big Guy he has been off work for about five days because he put his back out so rest has been his mission, and tomorrow he goes back to work somewhat gingerly I imagine. The girls have been well although beyond busy and here I must just give our little Princess huge kudos for being such a help to her mom and such a blessing. Poppets week started 'slowly' today with her being stuck in the lift at work for 45 minutes which must have been so scarey, especially considering that she is extremely claustrophobic. Last week we met up with BigBear and BabyBear for a delicious curry dinner in Somerset West, it was fantastic just catching up with them and sharing a meal. It is these moments with my family that are so precious to me, I really miss my Johannesburg family and miss our get togethers. Jelly Bean is working hard and absolutely loving where she 'is' at the moment, it is such a joy to watch her blossom and grow.

The other day Hubby and I were waiting for Jelly Bean, we were sitting in the car at the beach reading, it was drizzly and the beach was pretty much deserted except for the odd person or family. While watching I was just reminded again how much we tend to take for granted in our lives, there was a couple with a little girl of about 2 or 3 and a Grandpa, from the moment this little girl's feet hit the sand she took off running , no inhibitions just pure joy. She saw a seagull and he then became the target but being the wise old bird he was he flew off and landed about 30m away whereupon she just chased after him again. She ran the length of the beach just enjoying the air, the sand and lack of boundaries. Then there were two men standing ankle deep in the water and you could see by the way they were acting that it was the first time they had ever been to the ocean. They took pictures of each other, the buildings behind them, the sea, the sand, everything. There was such an sense of awe and delight between them which just blessed me, when we left we drove past their employers who were waiting for them in their bakkie which had a Northern Cape registration, it was so touching that they were prepared to sit and wait for the guys for such a long time. Friends let's not allow ourselves to get jaded or cynical because of what we see going on in the world around us, my prayer is that each one of us can retain that sense of awe and innocence in the beauty around us.

On that note I am going to bid you a fantastic week, may you be blessed in many different ways. Please stay safe and make the most of every minute spent with your family and friends.

A beautiful sunset last week from Strand beach.

A very quite beach on a cold day

Jasper having mommy cuddles in the cold weather.

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