Sunday 26 June 2022

Vroom, just like that the week is gone.

 A chilly good morning to everyone from a very happy lady.  I am so enjoying the cooler weather, we have had some really good, soaking rains and are all loving the evenings of having a fire going.  As a friend said to me yesterday, it is not Bloemfontein cold but, it is cold.

Last week seemed to be a hive of activity from the get go.  All three of us needed to see our GP's for script repeats and all appointments were on different days, in different places, wouldn't you guess!  Jelly Bean and I also went on a bit of a book trail. A good friend has moved from BB and as they are going back overseas they had left boxes of books with a couple of different neighbours, and told us to go and look for what we wanted.  As you can imagine JB needed no second encouragement and was almost ready to leave before I had finished arranging it.  She got a pile of books and I chose one, thank you E xx.   

It just seemed to be one of those weeks.  I have mentioned that I was crocheting a shrug (since last year 🤦🏻‍♀️) for JB.  As it got longer and further along, the less I liked it anyway,  when I was finished we tried it on and after all that it was just not right. So ... I immediately unwound it and restarted from scratch, this time knitting.  I have not knitted anything major for such a long time because with Fibro my hands and arms get very sore.  To this end I found someone who sold circular needles, which I have never really been a fan of, Hubby quickly drove up to buy them and they are wonderful !!! The actual needle fits into my hand exactly and all the weight is on the wire, why has it taken me 65 odd years to figure this out?   So now, the twice unwound wool (it was originally an Aran cardigan which I made and fitted no one) is once again being purposed, successfully this time into a loose, cosy shrug. It is growing quickly and no doubt I will be able to post a pic in the near future🤞🏻.  I have also been busy measuring and planning to make new lounge cushions, so another project about to be started.  I still have a big wooden unit which needs to be stripped, also from last year, but that is on the back burner.  This last surgery in particular has left me with very shoulder / arm strength and very limited mobility of my arms, so for now it is all light crafts that I can do.

On Thursday on our way home from town we came across a huge boulder that had fallen off the mountain and landed in the middle of the road.  It could only have been a few minutes before we got there.  Most people just drove around it but Hubby stopped and so did another local behind us.  Between him and the Hubster they managed to roll it to the side of the road and out of trouble, estimating that it weighed over 200kg.  This is a common occurrence along Clarence Drive, especially when there are high winds and rain.  We often see smaller rockfalls, also caused by the baboons climbing up, and have seen pics of bigger falls but, this was the biggest one we have actually seen right in the middle of the road. 

My Dr's visit resulted in a long list of required blood tests and whilst I was busy organising the week, the  follow up appointment with my Oncologist is nearing and all of a sudden I have been swamped with appointments urghhh.  Today I have to be in Stellenbosch by 8 am for blood tests, followed by a CT Scan, followed by an MRI.  Sjoe. I am not ready for this,  it has caused a wee bit of stress as it feels like I've been thrown right back to exactly a year ago when the whole business started. It is what it is and will be an annual thing for many years, so I figure I just need to keep praying and get it over with.  There is also a Mammogram coming up which should be interesting given I now have implants 😃.  The very best part of the week was when I went into a lingerie shop and bought my 'first' bras in a year.  I actually felt like a women walking out of the shop, wearing one of them. Baby steps is what is has all been about and God has been so faithful guiding and carrying me through each step of the journey.

Folks that is the news for now, this week is not showing any signs of being significantly quieter but we will see what unfolds.  I wish you all a really good week. Take each day as it comes and if necessary take it minute by minute.  Please stay safe and healthy.

Ciao Ciao.

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