Monday 25 April 2022

My Life's Winding Roads: Always something to do.

My Life's Winding Roads: Always something to do.:   Hi folks on this gorgeous cooler start to the week.  I am not complaining about the cooler temperatures, in fact just the opposite.  What ...

Sunday 24 April 2022

Always something to do.

 Hi folks on this gorgeous cooler start to the week.  I am not complaining about the cooler temperatures, in fact just the opposite.  What joy to be able to wear long sleeves again.  We have had a couple of hot days but generally by evening the temps drop and it is quite nippy.  It also means that its back to my favourite kind of cooking stews, curries, soups and other one pot dishes.  This week I am planning on making a big batch of Tomatoe Relish / Chutney to store up in the cupboard as well as hand out a few bottles to family and neighbours. 

With the cooler weather I don't need any excuses to stay home and have been busy getting things done and out of the way before my surgery.  This week it was getting curtains washed as well as making another two Hot Water Bottle covers, these are for Jelly Bean and I this time. So I'm busy ticking things off my mental 'to do' list.  Apart from the Relish I do believe making a batch of rusks is also on my agenda for the week.

Something exciting happened which I am still over the moon about.  For the last 3 or 4 years I have had binoculars on my Christmas wish list.  Well on Wednesday I just happened to see someone selling a pair via our local WhatsApp group.  I made immediate contact and as Hubby was going out he offered to go and have a look.  👏🏻👏🏻   I got a Pentax 10 x 50 pair in excellent condition with their carry case for R250 and the lady then gave hubby another pair free, also 10 x 50 Accord which just need a slight adjustment.  I can now look far out to sea in my ever hopeful bid of seeing some whales or dolphins.  This is such a big blessing and I was reminded of Psalm. 37 v 4 which says "delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart."  You can be assured that most places I go from now my Binocs are going with me

On Friday JB and I left early for Somerset West for a last shopping trip together before I am 'grounded' again.  So often on these trips we end up frustrated beyond reason at not being able to find what we are looking for, but not this time.  She found everything on her list exactly where she expected to, the shops weren't super busy and it was a smooth, productive shopping trip.   We were absolutely exhausted by the time we got home but good exhausted 😃.  As soon as we got home Hubby left to do the grocery shopping in Hermanus which I am so grateful he enjoys doing.  I find that a grocery shop drains my battery quicker than anything else. 

We staggered the shopping because earlier in the week before breakfast I heard Sasha barking a certain type of bark.  One she used to use when Max had escaped. She then came to the door and barked the same way.   I went out and she was very definitely telling me something.  She ran in front of me and kept looking back to make sure I was there, as we got to the gate lo and behold Master Charles was outside the gate.  Sasha is such a low key dog but when it comes to her pals getting out or being in danger she is very quick to alert us.  On investigation we found three holes in the wire along the palisade fence which, I think she may have made last Sunday when we were out.  Somehow, and it is a wonder that he squeezed through, but his nibs got out and couldn't get back in.  Oi vey these animals keep us on our toes.
Mama dove hatched her two eggs and is doing a very good job of raising her little chicks.  We are going to have to close up quickly once they leave the nest to prevent more nesting, apparently our deck is a prime spot.

After waiting weeks for an appointment with an Orthopedic Surgeon, Princess saw one who was possibly the rudest Dr they have ever dealt with as well as being vague and unhelpful.  She hurt her knee months ago doing hurdles and despite Physio and strapping it has not improved in the least, in fact just the opposite.  This Dr ordered an MRI which she had and after telling her the Miniscus was damaged he then told them to go home and think about it 🤷🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️.  Poppet called her GP the same day and two days later Princess saw another Orthopedic Surgeon just around the corner from where they live.  Before he even looked at the MRI results he examined her knee thoroughly and diagnosed a torn Miniscus.  He is going to operate, arthroscopically I think, and will see her again next week to finalise dates etc with them.  As she is in Matric he will be working around exams and prelims to help her not miss anything.  It will however, be a lengthy recuperation period and no sport for the rest of the year.

Well folks not much more news for now. I wish you all a happy week, enjoy the Public holiday on Wednesday and please stay safe and well.  Ciao Ciao

My latest results. 

Wednesday 20 April 2022

My Life's Winding Roads: Happy Easter

My Life's Winding Roads: Happy Easter:   Happy Easter to everyone, I hope you have all had a truly blessed weekend.  With all that the last three years has thrown at the world I h...

Monday 18 April 2022

Happy Easter

 Happy Easter to everyone, I hope you have all had a truly blessed weekend.  With all that the last three years has thrown at the world I have never been more aware of the price Jesus Christ paid for us.  Without Him it would have been impossible.

We had a fairly quiet week activity wise but certainly not noise wise.  The house diagonally behind us is doing building extensions and the constant hammering and chatting can truly destroy the peace hehe.  On Wednesday JB and I took our first trip up to the local library since lockdown started, it was nice to browse the books and stock up for the next couple of weeks.  I don't know what happened whilst we were out because Hubby was home with the dogs but, something / someone terrified the dogs, in particular Charlie.  He refused to go out the door unless I went with him. And he and Sasha spent the next 2 days growling and barking at every noise coming from the builders. They only stopped on Thursday evening when everyone knocked off for the weekend.  All his food issues came back with force and just a total insecurity.  It makes me so mad, not knowing what happened.  Thankfully over the weekend most of the fear has disappeared with the exception of feeding times.  Hmmmm 🤔

On Friday the Bandy Bunch  (see cast characters in my bio) came through and we spent a thoroughly lazy afternoon, enjoying the cooler weather.  I had made a huge pot of pea and ham soup which topped off a lovely day.  Princess stayed behind with Humph  to spend the rest of the weekend with us.  It was such a joy having them here and it truly was a weekend of giggles and fun. Humph is really a gentle giant who never leaves her side and is just a joy to be with.  On Sunday we all went through to Poppet  including the Bears, and were treated to a meal worthy of royalty,  thank you Bandy Bunch.  It was another lazy day of catch up, lounging around, full tummies and loads of laughs. We were missing one very special person - Big Guy and it is especially at times like these when I wish he was closer and could be with us.    We had decided to take Charlie with and leave Sasha as she does not enjoy travelling in the car but, oh my word,  when we arrived home we were greeted by a yipping, whining, Maltese poodle with a pitch black face 🤦🏻‍♀️.  I am not sure what she got up to but it required an immediate face and foot wash and many promises to not leave her alone again.

Today I have done the normal Monday chores and am looking forward to curling up with my book.  For the first time since we moved down we have had a cold Easter which I am praying bodes well for a cold and wet winter 🙏🏻.
Last week I received a call to say that my surgery has been pushed back five days to the 10th of May.  This doesn't really bother me as I'm not looking forward to it but, I am also resting in the knowledge that God is in control and the timing is in His hands.  It also gives me an extra week to get things organised ahead of time.

Folks I wish you all a peaceful week, it is a short one and hopefully it goes quickly and without incident.  Please be safe and stay healthy and as I have said before, share some love and care to those you come in contact  with,  everyone is dealing with something and this world needs all the love we can share.  Ciao Ciao.

Sasha's homecoming face 😂

Monday 11 April 2022

Loving the cooler weather.

Good morning  world as we enter the last week of the first quarter of 2022.  For the first time since we moved down nearly six years ago we have had our first cold front before Easter.  We also had some pretty strong winds during the week.  The last few years the weather has stayed hot right into May at times, so I am really hoping for a good, cold, long winter.  Every degree cooler is a celebration for me hehe.

We had a fairly quiet week which started with a visit to my Plastic Surgeon for my pre-op appointment at which I got a lot of answers to questions and a much clearer idea of the next steps.  I can't say that I'm looking forward to another surgery,  but I am praying that this time there will be no complications or infections

On Thursday, the highlight of the week, was being able to see BabyBear receiving her Post Grad Diploma In Business Management and Administration  at Stellenbosch University.  Thankfully and happily it was streamed live on YouTube thus enabling everyone in the family being able to watch the entire ceremony.  She worked so hard last year for this achievement, as well as her full time job and we could not be prouder.  Well done to both her and BigBear,   all the hard work and sacrifice paid off. When her name was called  Jelly Bean and I both  whooped and clapped at the television. 😁 the marvels of technology.

Hubby has been installing glass along the top of the deck and busy making up a cottage style window frame for the one section.  Just when we thought the doves had finished breeding and he had  removed the much used nest, another pair came along and after much going backwards and forwards they eventually built their nest in exactly the same spot.  Hubby has left the last small pane of glass out until they have raised their baby.
He is still having an issue with the Volvo and that has become quite a puzzle which he is trying to solve.

I actually got down to completing a request that I had last year, from the Bears, to knit them each a hot water bottle cover.  It took me ages to decide on what yarn etc to use and on Monday I found exactly what it was looking for.  So the needles came out,  I wrote my own pattern and began knitting.  Yaay it was good to be doing something creative and I am happy to say they came out much better than I had expected or hoped.

On Saturday JB and I drove into  Strand with Charlie for his monthly injection to curb his allergies.  It is only the second one he's had but the result is almost instantaneous, so it is well worth it.  He has also gained weight so really is looking a tad chunky hmmmm.  He is on a bit of a diet as well now much to his dismay hehe. 🐩

Yesterday the Poppet Clan came over and I  made a huge curried cottage pie, nice homely food for the cooler weather.  Poppet bought enough goodies for dessert to feed an army.  Needless to say we ate way too much but no one felt the slightest bit guilty, they were all delicious. We spent a super day relaxing with all the dogs curled up on the couches with us, the only thing missing was a fire but it is not quite that cold yet.

Happily this week is a short week and I wish each one of you has a successful, positive week. Please stay safe and healthy and, from our family to yours we wish you a Blessed Easter.  If you are going to be travelling please be safe and aware at all times. Ciao Ciao

The wind was blowing so much spray off the water that it was completely white,  on our way into Strand on Saturday.

Sunday 3 April 2022

Time flies

 Greetings all on our first Monday in April gosh this year is flying.  Weather wise it is absolutely gorgeous here as we've had a little rain, a big wind storm (which I slept through), balmy days and cold nights. 

Another busy week behind us as the 'saga' with Hubby's car continues to his great frustration.  He gets it fixed, clears all faults on the computer, takes it for a drive when it goes like a dream and then bamm, it goes back into limp mode.  Good grief I feel so bad for him every time he comes limping back.  So, the quest to find the fault continues.  The good news is that mine and Jelly Bean's cars are both going well.

Happily I can say that Poppet, BabyBear and Sonshine have all recovered/are recovering from CoVid and BigBear has valiantly fought the same lurgy much quicker than the rest.  Big Guy has declared that as far as the family are concerned the "borders to Johannesburg are  currently closed to all of us".  🤣🤣🤣

There was a lot of drama when one of my oldest friends was airlifted to hospital with a suspected embolism.  She spent a couple of days in ICU and Praise the Lord it turned out that no surgery was needed and although still in hospital she is stable and hoping to be released in a day or two.
Once again God proved Himself ever faithful on Tuesday when family overseas had a huge crisis.  It is such a feeling of helplessness being far away and unable to do anything physically to help.  I certainly have had my prayer line to Father God glowing with heavy use over the last little while.  The encouragement is that the exact thing we specifically prayed for is what resulted in a positive outcome for this family.  Thank You God for hearing and answering our prayers.

On Wednesday JB and I took ourselves off to Cape Town for a long promised girls day.  We left nice and early and had a very successful time at Readers Warehouse only to discover that the restaurant we always go to was closed.  After a quick Google search I located it a mere 2 kms away and with JB navigating we explored a few roads hitherto unknown, to us.  Hmmm lunch was not exactly a roaring success, in fact it was a non event.  The restaurant has re-opened in a new venue but with a major downgrade in their menu, no atmosphere and only 2 staff members.  However their coffee was excellent.  At that point we called it a day and stopped in SW at Woolies where we indulged in some mini pies to go LOL. My visit to the wool shop was also a fruitless non event.  I know exactly what I am looking for and naturally cannot find it anywhere, so far.

On Friday Hubby left really early to fetch Princess and her boyfriend (just flow, in from Pretoria) and they spent the day and evening with us before Poppet joined us all on Saturday.  Friday evening I made a big pot of curried mince and a big batch of vetkoek which disappeared in a very short time.  Princess also spent the afternoon helping me cook a chicken breyani in our enormous pot.  It was so heavy that I had to call one of the guys everytime it needed to be moved 💪🏻.  What a fun weekend it was and even Humph made himself at home by claiming his spot on the couch, he is such a gentle giant.

Yesterday was spent extremely quietly, I did not even cook as there were sufficient leftovers to keep us all satisfied.  Today it's back to the daily reality of 'what to make for supper?'  Does anyone else get tired of the constant struggle of coming up with something healthy and varied ?

Despite us removing the remains of the thrice used doves nest a new couple have been romancing back and forth on the same beam.   On Friday the male was obviously charged with collecting building materials for their nest.  I felt quite sorry for him as anything bigger than a certain length was rejected and tossed over the edge.  She has not moved in totally yet and is still directing the building operations.  It would appear that we are about to see our fourth batch of baby doves raised this year.

Folks thats all my news for now, as I said a very busy week.  My prayer for you reading this is that your week will be blessed and you will be strengthened with the peace and wisdom of God.  Ciao Ciao.

Humph being comfy. 

Chicken Breyani.