Monday 18 April 2022

Happy Easter

 Happy Easter to everyone, I hope you have all had a truly blessed weekend.  With all that the last three years has thrown at the world I have never been more aware of the price Jesus Christ paid for us.  Without Him it would have been impossible.

We had a fairly quiet week activity wise but certainly not noise wise.  The house diagonally behind us is doing building extensions and the constant hammering and chatting can truly destroy the peace hehe.  On Wednesday JB and I took our first trip up to the local library since lockdown started, it was nice to browse the books and stock up for the next couple of weeks.  I don't know what happened whilst we were out because Hubby was home with the dogs but, something / someone terrified the dogs, in particular Charlie.  He refused to go out the door unless I went with him. And he and Sasha spent the next 2 days growling and barking at every noise coming from the builders. They only stopped on Thursday evening when everyone knocked off for the weekend.  All his food issues came back with force and just a total insecurity.  It makes me so mad, not knowing what happened.  Thankfully over the weekend most of the fear has disappeared with the exception of feeding times.  Hmmmm 🤔

On Friday the Bandy Bunch  (see cast characters in my bio) came through and we spent a thoroughly lazy afternoon, enjoying the cooler weather.  I had made a huge pot of pea and ham soup which topped off a lovely day.  Princess stayed behind with Humph  to spend the rest of the weekend with us.  It was such a joy having them here and it truly was a weekend of giggles and fun. Humph is really a gentle giant who never leaves her side and is just a joy to be with.  On Sunday we all went through to Poppet  including the Bears, and were treated to a meal worthy of royalty,  thank you Bandy Bunch.  It was another lazy day of catch up, lounging around, full tummies and loads of laughs. We were missing one very special person - Big Guy and it is especially at times like these when I wish he was closer and could be with us.    We had decided to take Charlie with and leave Sasha as she does not enjoy travelling in the car but, oh my word,  when we arrived home we were greeted by a yipping, whining, Maltese poodle with a pitch black face 🤦🏻‍♀️.  I am not sure what she got up to but it required an immediate face and foot wash and many promises to not leave her alone again.

Today I have done the normal Monday chores and am looking forward to curling up with my book.  For the first time since we moved down we have had a cold Easter which I am praying bodes well for a cold and wet winter 🙏🏻.
Last week I received a call to say that my surgery has been pushed back five days to the 10th of May.  This doesn't really bother me as I'm not looking forward to it but, I am also resting in the knowledge that God is in control and the timing is in His hands.  It also gives me an extra week to get things organised ahead of time.

Folks I wish you all a peaceful week, it is a short one and hopefully it goes quickly and without incident.  Please be safe and stay healthy and as I have said before, share some love and care to those you come in contact  with,  everyone is dealing with something and this world needs all the love we can share.  Ciao Ciao.

Sasha's homecoming face 😂

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