Sunday 24 April 2022

Always something to do.

 Hi folks on this gorgeous cooler start to the week.  I am not complaining about the cooler temperatures, in fact just the opposite.  What joy to be able to wear long sleeves again.  We have had a couple of hot days but generally by evening the temps drop and it is quite nippy.  It also means that its back to my favourite kind of cooking stews, curries, soups and other one pot dishes.  This week I am planning on making a big batch of Tomatoe Relish / Chutney to store up in the cupboard as well as hand out a few bottles to family and neighbours. 

With the cooler weather I don't need any excuses to stay home and have been busy getting things done and out of the way before my surgery.  This week it was getting curtains washed as well as making another two Hot Water Bottle covers, these are for Jelly Bean and I this time. So I'm busy ticking things off my mental 'to do' list.  Apart from the Relish I do believe making a batch of rusks is also on my agenda for the week.

Something exciting happened which I am still over the moon about.  For the last 3 or 4 years I have had binoculars on my Christmas wish list.  Well on Wednesday I just happened to see someone selling a pair via our local WhatsApp group.  I made immediate contact and as Hubby was going out he offered to go and have a look.  👏🏻👏🏻   I got a Pentax 10 x 50 pair in excellent condition with their carry case for R250 and the lady then gave hubby another pair free, also 10 x 50 Accord which just need a slight adjustment.  I can now look far out to sea in my ever hopeful bid of seeing some whales or dolphins.  This is such a big blessing and I was reminded of Psalm. 37 v 4 which says "delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart."  You can be assured that most places I go from now my Binocs are going with me

On Friday JB and I left early for Somerset West for a last shopping trip together before I am 'grounded' again.  So often on these trips we end up frustrated beyond reason at not being able to find what we are looking for, but not this time.  She found everything on her list exactly where she expected to, the shops weren't super busy and it was a smooth, productive shopping trip.   We were absolutely exhausted by the time we got home but good exhausted 😃.  As soon as we got home Hubby left to do the grocery shopping in Hermanus which I am so grateful he enjoys doing.  I find that a grocery shop drains my battery quicker than anything else. 

We staggered the shopping because earlier in the week before breakfast I heard Sasha barking a certain type of bark.  One she used to use when Max had escaped. She then came to the door and barked the same way.   I went out and she was very definitely telling me something.  She ran in front of me and kept looking back to make sure I was there, as we got to the gate lo and behold Master Charles was outside the gate.  Sasha is such a low key dog but when it comes to her pals getting out or being in danger she is very quick to alert us.  On investigation we found three holes in the wire along the palisade fence which, I think she may have made last Sunday when we were out.  Somehow, and it is a wonder that he squeezed through, but his nibs got out and couldn't get back in.  Oi vey these animals keep us on our toes.
Mama dove hatched her two eggs and is doing a very good job of raising her little chicks.  We are going to have to close up quickly once they leave the nest to prevent more nesting, apparently our deck is a prime spot.

After waiting weeks for an appointment with an Orthopedic Surgeon, Princess saw one who was possibly the rudest Dr they have ever dealt with as well as being vague and unhelpful.  She hurt her knee months ago doing hurdles and despite Physio and strapping it has not improved in the least, in fact just the opposite.  This Dr ordered an MRI which she had and after telling her the Miniscus was damaged he then told them to go home and think about it 🤷🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️.  Poppet called her GP the same day and two days later Princess saw another Orthopedic Surgeon just around the corner from where they live.  Before he even looked at the MRI results he examined her knee thoroughly and diagnosed a torn Miniscus.  He is going to operate, arthroscopically I think, and will see her again next week to finalise dates etc with them.  As she is in Matric he will be working around exams and prelims to help her not miss anything.  It will however, be a lengthy recuperation period and no sport for the rest of the year.

Well folks not much more news for now. I wish you all a happy week, enjoy the Public holiday on Wednesday and please stay safe and well.  Ciao Ciao

My latest results. 

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