Monday 11 April 2022

Loving the cooler weather.

Good morning  world as we enter the last week of the first quarter of 2022.  For the first time since we moved down nearly six years ago we have had our first cold front before Easter.  We also had some pretty strong winds during the week.  The last few years the weather has stayed hot right into May at times, so I am really hoping for a good, cold, long winter.  Every degree cooler is a celebration for me hehe.

We had a fairly quiet week which started with a visit to my Plastic Surgeon for my pre-op appointment at which I got a lot of answers to questions and a much clearer idea of the next steps.  I can't say that I'm looking forward to another surgery,  but I am praying that this time there will be no complications or infections

On Thursday, the highlight of the week, was being able to see BabyBear receiving her Post Grad Diploma In Business Management and Administration  at Stellenbosch University.  Thankfully and happily it was streamed live on YouTube thus enabling everyone in the family being able to watch the entire ceremony.  She worked so hard last year for this achievement, as well as her full time job and we could not be prouder.  Well done to both her and BigBear,   all the hard work and sacrifice paid off. When her name was called  Jelly Bean and I both  whooped and clapped at the television. 😁 the marvels of technology.

Hubby has been installing glass along the top of the deck and busy making up a cottage style window frame for the one section.  Just when we thought the doves had finished breeding and he had  removed the much used nest, another pair came along and after much going backwards and forwards they eventually built their nest in exactly the same spot.  Hubby has left the last small pane of glass out until they have raised their baby.
He is still having an issue with the Volvo and that has become quite a puzzle which he is trying to solve.

I actually got down to completing a request that I had last year, from the Bears, to knit them each a hot water bottle cover.  It took me ages to decide on what yarn etc to use and on Monday I found exactly what it was looking for.  So the needles came out,  I wrote my own pattern and began knitting.  Yaay it was good to be doing something creative and I am happy to say they came out much better than I had expected or hoped.

On Saturday JB and I drove into  Strand with Charlie for his monthly injection to curb his allergies.  It is only the second one he's had but the result is almost instantaneous, so it is well worth it.  He has also gained weight so really is looking a tad chunky hmmmm.  He is on a bit of a diet as well now much to his dismay hehe. 🐩

Yesterday the Poppet Clan came over and I  made a huge curried cottage pie, nice homely food for the cooler weather.  Poppet bought enough goodies for dessert to feed an army.  Needless to say we ate way too much but no one felt the slightest bit guilty, they were all delicious. We spent a super day relaxing with all the dogs curled up on the couches with us, the only thing missing was a fire but it is not quite that cold yet.

Happily this week is a short week and I wish each one of you has a successful, positive week. Please stay safe and healthy and, from our family to yours we wish you a Blessed Easter.  If you are going to be travelling please be safe and aware at all times. Ciao Ciao

The wind was blowing so much spray off the water that it was completely white,  on our way into Strand on Saturday.

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