Monday 20 December 2021

Going home for Christmas

Good morning friends and family on this very special Monday. I truly had moments when I thought today was just never going to arrive - why such expectation ? Because today I go home after spending 19 days in hospital in 'isolation', my excitement is simply too great to even try and express. This past week seems to have passed at a snails pace and for the first time in my life I have found that sleeping during the day is my friend, it is something I normally cannot do, the last three weeks have changed that 😄. Every day has been a breath holding experience when my blood tests come back and the doctor walks in but, as always, God has proved Himself faithful and steadfast and once my last drop of antibiotic drips in, I am out of here. 

 My family have been absolute superstars and their support and hard work kept my brain from exploding whilst at the same time kept me in touch with what is going on at home. Due to their kindness and forethought everything I would normally have done in preparation for December re cleaning the house and preparing it for Christmas, has been done. We were blessed to have a company come in on Friday and do a major deep clean from top to bottom, thank you guys. On Saturday Hubby and I had previously organized for a couple to come in and help in the house and garden and we kept to that plan which means that even curtains got washed, fridge defrosted etc, etc and the garden were completely taken care of, saving Hubby dearest days of work and a sore back. Even the dogs have been groomed, although that was scheduled ages ago ..... I am going home to a sparkling home and can concentrate on getting strong and well. It has been a shock to me how quickly ones strength disappears after three weeks in bed, not being able to eat properly has not helped in that regard I know. Now that I am off the multitudes of pills and antibiotics I am trusting that the nausea will become a thing of the past and I can resume my normal life and strength day by day.  The family are all well and winding down on what has been an extremely difficult year. It is certainly time for us all to breathe and just 'be'. Big Guy flies down to the Cape on Tuesday morning for a week and seeing as it has been a full year since we've seen him I am super excited whoop whoop. Princess has been in Natal with family friends for the last week and is currently on her way back to Pretoria, she also flies back a bit later this week and we will all be together #mommyheartfull. 

This year has for most people that I know or have spoken to been a lot more difficult and stressful that even 2020 in almost every way imaginable but, what I am trying to keep my focus on is not the challenges, the loss, the anxiety etc but the fact that we are still here.  We are alive, changed forever? Yes without a doubt ....... but ......... alive, wiser, richer in compassion and understanding, more patient and for the most part I hope and pray ..... our focus and values have changed to become less self centered and more all encompassing.  Without God's intervention in my life, this Christmas would have had a very different outcome.  He has brought me/us through all that was thrown at us and now it is time we as individuals take that and share it with those who face unspeakable challenges.  CoVid has changed the world and the way we live and unless we continue to live out the changes we have learnt, what was the point of  coming through it.  Cancer has changed me in more ways that I can begin to mention at this stage, things that I thought were important at the start of my journey are now way down the list as merely the tinsel on the tree.  My basic health and well being are far more important than whether I am finished with aesthetics of the journey, that will happen in time, right now I am here, I am alive, I am going home to be with my family which is the greatest gift God has ever given me and every day has new opportunities for me to learn, discover and try new things.

This is probably not quite what you were expecting to read today, it's not what I was expecting to write but I guess three weeks of being on your own and trusting God hourly will bring about some reflection and change, all to the good if it makes me a better person.Folks, I wish you all a peace filled week, may you not get caught on the merry-go-round of insanity as Christmas day draws closer, may it be about the time shared with your loved ones and staying healthy and safe. Wishing each of you a very blessed Christmas with love from my family to yours. 
Ciao ciao 

 Zeepha a.k.a.Goldilocks finally found her perfect bed.

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