Monday 13 December 2021

A quick catch up.

Well ....... good morning folks, I certainly did not envisage today's Blog would be typed from my hospital bed, but here I am and seeing as last week I really just said hi, I thought it was time for a catch up. Today marks my 13th day here and even though I know it is part of the process that does not take away the frustration of wanting to be home with my family and eating home cooked food. What a process it has been and continues to be as my days start at 5 am with someone standing next to the bed wanting to draw blood. Because the infection I had was identified as a hospital super bug - Enterobacteriaceae, the same one as found on the last surgery, I was very smartly moved to a private ward where only certain staff members are allowed to work with me. I will admit to feeling quite emotional when I saw the notice on the door stating isolation and sanitisation procedures, it felt like I was 'unclean' (which in a sense I was). It also means that most staff don't come in = less chats lol. I have built good 'relationships' with the staff that I do have contact with and have to say that they are truly fantastic. There are so many doctors involved that at times it is hard keeping track of who is who and again each one has been really super. The reason behind the daily blood tests is to access the infection levels as well as toxicity levels of the two antibiotics I am on by a Macrobiologist? who then instructs the Specialist which Med's are to be adjusted accordingly. Currently I am on four drips per day one of which is a huge 'banana bag' of intense multivitamins, thanks to my original surgeon who also called in a Nutritionist. Apparently the more protein I can consume, via shakes and protein powder at the moment the quicker my body can fight back. As of last night my infection level was down from over 50 to 4 Praise the Lord. The toxic antibiotic has reached a trough which is what most of the attention is focused on currently. Within myself I feel fine and have had barely a minutes discomfort from the surgery itself, I have no appetite at all which is causing a bit of a problem combined with the nausea but, mentally I am ok. I'm getting impatient to go home and spoke to the Specialist today as I want and desperately need to be home before the 21st which is when Big Guy flies down. Dr will only discharge me on the 21st after my last dose of the'dangerous' antibiotic. it took me a while to get my head and heart around that. All prayer for favor and miracles are greatly appreciated hehe. I try not to think of the days ahead whilst waiting because then I might just go totally loopy. The family are all well as can be expected and have been such a blessing and encouragement. Hubby has been working hard on getting his car back on the road and is literally inundated with clocks, he is now having to say to new clients that their items will only be available in the new year. Jelly Bean has been an absolute rock in picking up the reigns and running the house like an star as well as doing her actual work. Princess is in Durban for a few days and Poppet is as busy as ever. BigBear and BabyBear are winding down the roller coaster they've been on and looking forward to resuming a normal life . Big Guy is also working hard to get as much in before he goes in leave so that he too can relax. I just want to be out of hospital and celebrate Christmas with my family. I don't think the cats are too fussed about me not being there but Charlie is definitely taking strain - Hubby took some of my pyjamas home for washing and Charlie nearly went crazy following the smell and trying to reach them in the washing machine, then he ran to the front door to look for me, then back to the washing machine hehe, when the door opens he runs to the car barking to see if I am sitting inside. Folks, that is my catch up from the confines of 4 walls and a sliver window view of the mountains behind Gordon's Bay. To every member of my family, thank you from the bottom of my heart for you constant encouragement, visits, positivity and prayers, you keep me focused on the end goal and make each day possible. To all my friends who have stood in the gap for me praying, encouraging, calling and messaging, thank you for holding me up and your love and care, there are no words. I pray you each have a wonderful week, that God multiplies your time and gives you wisdom in every situation and that you stay well and safe. Don't stop sanitizing or lower any of your protection protocols please. Ciao ciao My exquisite bouquet of flowers from Poppet, Sonshine and Princess. There has not been one person to walk into my ward, male or female, that has not commented on how beautiful they are

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