Monday 1 November 2021

Week three and I am back

Good morning one and all on this brand new day of a new month. I am having a real hard time trying to figure out how we got to November, my year kind of got all messed up in June and I still feel like it's the middle of the year 🤦🏻‍♀️. It was only this week that the realization of how close Christmas is hit me, made super exciting when Big Guy sent us a screen shot of his air tickets to come home for the holidays yippppeeeee. At the moment we enjoying very mild weather with a tiny bit of rain now and again and some wonderful winds to keep us cool. 

 Currently I seem to be living my life vicariously through other members of the family - I have 'been' to a wine festival, walked the dogs to the beach, spent time DJ'ing, doing Cross Fit to name just a few 🤣🤣. The only 'out' excursions I have had are to the Dr and back and just doing that generally wipes me out for the following day. Recovery is a day by day thing and a lot slower that I expected or hoped. There have been and are some challenges with the healing of the wounds which is holding up the next phase but, I have made my peace with the fact it's going to take as long as it takes. I saw a meme yesterday which hit the nail on the head, it said "Yes, I will get through this, I just don't like going through it." I have also come to realise that every person's journey is different on just about every level and, for that reason it is a very lonely journey. I will never 'know' what someone went through with Breast Cancer because no two cases are the same nor are they treated the same. I do know this though without God, friends, family and the Medical Team I have, I would not be this far. Some of the most meaningful and touching calls or messages I have received have been the ones saying "how are you and what can I pray for today?" and the ones saying "I am thinking of you". Thank you everyone for your love, for listening and for your prayers I cannot explain how much it means to me. 

 Jelly Bean and Hubby have been absolute pillars of strength and help, handling the house and cooking as well as all the running around. From washing my hair, to changing my dresssings and everything in between. Hubby has made rusks twice and they taste exceptional, meals have been brilliant together with all the other household tasks. Jelly Bean has been working around this as has Hubby with clocks and watches continuing to come in, he has even managed to get some work on the deck done, we are so close now to closing up 👏🏻, I can't wait to get out there in my hammock chair. The rest of the family are all well and working hard, Princess starts her year end exams this week and has been studying like a little Trojan, well done my angel, I am so proud of you. There was one very surprising bright spot on Friday, Jelly Bean has been making me smoothies and we were talking about the benefits of fresh juicing so, I had the bright idea of asking on the Village WhatsApp group if anyone had a hidden juicer they would like to sell. Within an hour one lady, whom I don't know had replied, she had one that she had forgotten about and when I asked her the price her reply was " You can have it for nothing, I had forgotten it was there ." I was speechless and am now the owner of a good Braun Juicer and will be stocking up on fresh produce to be juiced and consumed. The only activities I have accomplished in the last three weeks has been the finishing of books and my ongoing recovery , so for all my friends who ask me to slow down, I am slower than the proverbial tortoise 🤣🤣 

 Folks I am going to end off with a prayer that your November is excellent in every way, thank you for your participation in this Blog and please stay safe and well. Ciao

Jasper pulling the majestic card.


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