Sunday 7 November 2021

Life continues on its path

Good morning folks, I hope this finds you all well and ready to face the new week. It seems we are fast cruising up to Christmas and I know that I for one don't feel much more prepared than I did last week lol. Weather wise it has been really mild and comfortable, some days are windy but no extremes anywhere. 

 Well despite finding myself 'grounded' again we have managed to have a fairly productive week, 'we' being a very collective we hehe. Hubby has made huge strides with the deck,- he has the door frame in and has spaced out and begun the placement of the windows whooo hooo, we are working towards being enclosed by Christmas, not finished but enclosed and usable 🀞🏻. He has also had a constant stream of clocks - mantel, cuckoo and grand-father as well as a couple of watches come in. Generally it is the clocks that give him grief by ticking along merrily for days and then stopping for no obvious reason which usually then requires a lot of out-of-the-box thinking. 

 Jelly Bean has had a crazy week work wise, I think work is always going to be crazy no matter what field you are in, the minute you add clients i.e. other human beings into the mix things get crazy. As for the rest of the family I believe that the above stands true for all of them, the year is winding down and deadlines are looming = crazy with large doses of patience needed all round. Princess started writing her year end exams so it is full steam ahead for her as well. 

 I mentioned that I am 'grounded' grrrrr. The hole in my stitches which was so painfully restitched two fridays ago, reopened last Tuesday evening and I will admit I came unglued emotionally, it was like the last straw - I just sat and wept. On Thursday it was off to the Plastic Surgeon very trepidiciously only to be surprised when he was not phased but in fact delighted with all the other wounds. It would seem that despite the set backs, on the whole he is happy. He then sent me off the Advanced Wound Care Clinic, they could only take me an hour later so we stopped for new antibiotics and then did a really quick pop in with the girls for a delicious cup of coffee. It was so good to see them and get hugs. Back we went to the Clinic where after a bit of a wait I was fitted with a Negative Pressure Therapy Vacuum Pump, I have never even heard of such a thing. This pump works over the open wound and by vacuum it drains any fluid as well as causes granulation of the site and thereby closing the wound. πŸ€žπŸ»πŸ™πŸ». It is heavy to carry around and I have to wear it 24/7 until Wednesday, as well as it sounds like a soft Kreepy Krauly πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. Hence being grounded. By the time we eventually got home I was in tears from tiredness and pain caused by the pump pulling on already sore skin. Later that night Jelly Bean and Hubby performed some home remedies by snipping some small pieces of the plasters to lessen the pull and then taping the tube to my tummy with micropore tape to lessen the drag of gravity ........ instant semi relief. That night I tossed and turned until 12.30 before gathering up ALL my many pillows, my machine (yes a couple of times I've walked off without it🀦🏻‍♀️) and my quilt and made a bed on the couch, absolute bliss and comfort. I am still here and sleeping well because of the support it gives me. 

Despite being grounded Jelly Bean managed to colour my hair on Saturday despite the weird positions, conditions and angles we were able to work with. At least I don't look like Cruella de Ville anymore hehe. Yesterday she and Hubby bathed both the dogs and made a truly delicious lunch - I am beyond blessed. 

 Well folks that's it for this week, I wish you all a good, happy week full of accomplishments and victories. Ciao ciao for now

 P.S. I have added a page which is an abbreviated 'Journal' account of my Detour with Cancer. Please feel under no obligation to read it just because you follow the Blog, I have done it in the hopes that if it helps just one woman deal with / understand /semi prepare her journey and setbacks then this journey is worthwhile. I will continue to add to it as often as anything happens or I feel the need. 

 Charlie my constant companion

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