Monday 22 November 2021

A very unexpected week

Good morning everyone from a gorgeous blustery, cool Bettys Bay. Yesterday was what I would call a perfect day - strong winds, overcast and just cool enough for blankies. May this stay for awhile please.

Well ...... last week was definitely not what I expected even in my wildest thoughts. After all my positive feedback and excitement things went rather awry. I had started feeling quite sick on Saturday and actually thought it might have been a Fibromyalgia flare. On Monday, prior to my appointment for the fill I called my Dr and explained how I was feeling, he immediately sent me off for blood tests and I then went in to see him early the next morning (Tuesday). They had received the results already and things snowballed so fast my head was spinning. The results showed that I had a bad infection and after taking a swab from the right side I was literally sent directly to hospital, no going past go, no collecting R200. Hmmmm...... Before I knew it it I was admitted, in a bed and waiting for a CoVid test. Once that came back Negative I was moved back down to Surgical Ward and placed on a drip for antibiotics, as well as sent for a CAT Scan, which showed an abscess. Wednesday morning at 5.45 I was wheeled into theatre (I didn't even know they operated so early) and they were all hands ready to go. Apparently there was a pocket of fluid which had filled with some yucky stuff and was fast becoming a large abscess, so my Surgeon reopened me and flushed everything multiple times to make sure nothing was left behind. Happily it had not reached the expander and so that did not have to be removed, although Dr said to me afterwards that one more day and he would have had to remove that as well. Once I was in recovery I had a Tachycardia episode which got everyone running around quite smartly, they put a tablet under my tongue which normalised everything and I was sent back to the ward. It really happened all so fast and poor old Hubby was back and forth on Tuesday trying to get my hospital bag which precious Jelly Bean just took care of, in the end it all worked out. Apparently the Tachycardia was caused by my potassium levels being very low because I had been too nauseous to eat and then the anaethesisa, but a very close eye was kept on me for a couple of days. I was discharged on Friday after I managed to find a Wound Care nurse locally who has been coming in daily to administer my antibiotic drip. Late Friday afternoon the Dr called to say that the swab results had come back and shown the presence of a super bug 🤦🏻‍♀️. Off to the chemist trundled my long suffering Hubby for a new, oral antibiotic to add to my collection. I will admit that most of the weekend I slept, just cannot keep my eyes open for long. This morning late we are back into town for wound check and Dr's appointment. I am really praying that from here on out it is going to be smooth sailing with NO further complications or issues, just nice and easy progress and healing. 🙏🏻🙏🏻 A totally chaotic week for all, with Hubby and Jelly Bean still holding down the fort and working at the same time, thank you guys for everything, words are totally insufficient. Also thanks to all who sent messages and or phone calls, you precious ladies kept me positive and on track. 

As for my poor little Charlie, he apparently went into full on pine mode and eventually I suggested Hubby put one of my shirts on the chair and apparently that is where he slept with his nose pushed into my shirt. Hubby says he would keep going back to the car to check that I wasn't hiding there 😢 Nevertheless he has hardly left my side since being home and is once again a happy camper. The family are all well, Poppet is getting over a bad bout of sinusitis which laid her low, Princess has one more week of exams. BabyBear finishes off her studies and one of her most difficult years on the 13th Dec, and the boys and Jelly Bean are all snowed under as seems to be the norm at the moment, but coping and grinding out the work. I am certainly praying for a much tamer and please God simpler week coming up. 

I am signing off for now folks and wish you each a wonderful week, may all the crinkles and obstacles smooth themselves out and may you have the strength to rise to every situation you are faced with. Please stay safe and healthy. Ciao ciao

A gorgeous gift of a double stem orchid.

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