Monday 22 June 2020

What a week !!

Well, another week come and gone and to be honest at this point in time each week feels exactly the same, when I look at a calendar and see that we are hovering towards the end of June, I still feel like I am back in about April.  Hopefully I am not the only one who feels like this.  Good morning all !

Our week began in the best way possible, with a visit from the Bears on their way home.  Oh my word it did me good to see them, chat and catch up on months of news, share some meals and hugs and literally just let my heart feast on family.   I was also truly blessed as they brought down a 'new'  mobile phone for me which a family member had on hand having upgraded at the beginning of lockdown.  Oooooh I am so spoilt - every time Jelly Bean looks at it she turns a few shades of green.  Thank YOU so much for the gift, you know who you are.  In the light of that I spent a lot of hours just sorting the phone out and setting it to my personal taste, I don't think I have even scratched the surface of what it is capable of and am still getting used to the odd noises and sounds but, watch out for some really good pics hopefully.  It has been like going from a manual typewriter to a golf ball electric one. 😁😁

From there I can honestly say that the week took a left turn down the hill.  Contrary to what I said last week our Medical Aid is far from sorted out but that is another matter altogether.  To backtrack a little,  on Sunday evening unbeknown to us our dear Houdini a.k.a. Max ran away after digging a hole under the fence and leaving his jacket in the hole.  We received a phone call early Monday morning from a couple who had picked him up running in the main road shivering and sopping wet.  They had kept him warm overnight and were in Hermanus and said they would bring him back shortly.  Well ......... shortly turned out to be 6pm and numerous calls and messages later, I will admit to having being extremely stressed about the whole situation, it just felt wrong on all levels.   Anyway they did eventually drop him off and he is safe and sound, one would think he is getting too old for this type of escapade.  I also knuckled down and got started on my lounge cushions which have been awaiting re-covering since lockdown began, pics will follow hopefully next week.

Well folks, winter is still just a threat down here in the Cape, apart from last weekend.  I see that more cold fronts are predicted from Wednesday onwards and can only pray they will continue to keep rolling in bringing with them rain and the much needed cold weather. 
I am sure that along with many of you, I was absolutely delighted to receive a message from my Hairdresser yesterday telling me when she will be open and making my appointment for next week whoop whoop.  LOL in her message she said she was opening and IF I needed to see her, I replied instantly that it wasn't a case of if, it is a case of 'miracle intervention needed'.  

On that note I am going to bid you farewell friends and family, I pray you have a good week, please take care of yourselves and stay healthy and safe.  Ciao Ciao

Zeepha running interference while I am trying to sew cushion covers.

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